

SQL> show parameter audit_trail;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
audit_trail                          string      DB
SQL> alter system set audit_trail=none scope=spfile;
SQL> shut immediate;

truncate table SYS.AUD$;

truncate table SYS.AUD$;


Property Description
Parameter type String
Syntax AUDIT_TRAIL = { none | os | db [, extended] | xml [, extended] }
Default value none
Modifiable No
Basic No

AUDIT_TRAIL enables or disables database auditing.


  • none

    Disables standard auditing. This value is the default if the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter was not set in the initialization parameter file or if you created the database using a method other than Database Configuration Assistant. If you created the database using Database Configuration Assistant, then the default is db.

  • os

    Directs all audit records to an operating system file. Oracle recommends that you use the os setting, particularly if you are using an ultra-secure database configuration.

  • db

    Directs audit records to the database audit trail (the SYS.AUD$ table), except for records that are always written to the operating system audit trail. Use this setting for a general database for manageability.

    If the database was started in read-only mode with AUDIT_TRAIL set to db, then Oracle Database internally sets AUDIT_TRAIL to os. Check the alert log for details.

  • db, extended

    Performs all actions of AUDIT_TRAIL=db, and also populates the SQL bind and SQL text CLOB-type columns of the SYS.AUD$ table, when available. These two columns are populated only when this parameter is specified.

    If the database was started in read-only mode with AUDIT_TRAIL set to db, extended, then Oracle Database internally sets AUDIT_TRAIL to os. Check the alert log for details.

  • xml

    Writes to the operating system audit record file in XML format. Records all elements of the AuditRecord node except Sql_Text and Sql_Bind to the operating system XML audit file.

  • xml, extended

    Performs all actions of AUDIT_TRAIL=xml, and populates the SQL bind and SQL text CLOB-type columns of the SYS.AUD$ table, wherever possible. These columns are populated only when this parameter is specified.

You can use the SQL AUDIT statement to set auditing options regardless of the setting of this parameter.

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