Dedicated and Shared Server Processes


Initialization Parameters for Shared Server

The following initialization parameters control shared server operation:

  • SHARED_SERVERS: Specifies the initial number of shared servers to start and the minimum number of shared servers to keep. This is the only required parameter for using shared servers.

  • MAX_SHARED_SERVERS: Specifies the maximum number of shared servers that can run simultaneously.

  • SHARED_SERVER_SESSIONS: Specifies the total number of shared server user sessions that can run simultaneously. Setting this parameter enables you to reserve user sessions for dedicated servers.

  • DISPATCHERS: Configures dispatcher processes in the shared server architecture.

  • MAX_DISPATCHERS: Specifies the maximum number of dispatcher processes that can run simultaneously. This parameter can be ignored for now. It will only be useful in a future release when the number of dispatchers is auto-tuned according to the number of concurrent connections.

  • CIRCUITS: Specifies the total number of virtual circuits that are available for inbound and outbound network sessions.

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