xtrabackup:error:streaming incremental backups are incompatible with the tar


innobackupex 2.4.5的increment備份還是不支援tar stream,希望以後可以支援


  1. [root@iZ252affh58Z mysql_incremental]# tail -f xtra_incrementalbak_2017-02-03.log
  2. innobackupex version 2.4.5 based on MySQL server 5.7.13 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: e41c0be)
  3. incremental backup from 220658439040 is enabled.
  4. xtrabackup: error: streaming incremental backups are incompatible with the 'tar' streaming format. Use --stream=xbstream instead.
  5. **** Backup file size: 4.0K /mnt/backup/mysql_incremental/xtra_incrementalbak_2017-02-03.tar.gz ====

  6. ---- Find expired backup and delete those files ----

  7. ==== Jobs ended at 2017-02-03 19:09:36 05 ====

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