API Management 軟體的歸屬和類別


Gartner 把 API Management 歸入 Application Service Governance(應用服務治理)軟體類別中(見 “Gartner Report: Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management(Mark O'Neil etc., October 27, 2016)”、“CA Technologies Positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Services Governance _ 20150416”),而 Gartner 的應用服務治理屬於 Integration Middleware 中的一類(見 “Gartner Platform as a Service: Definition, Taxonomy and Vendor Landscape, 2012 ”)。不過今年 Gartner 已經開始直接使用 API Management 這個類別了(見 Magic Quadrant 報告 Market Definition/Description 節),API Management 方興未艾,在 Digital Business 時代有很大發展空間,把它歸到治理裡面好像挺受限制。

IDC 把 API Management 歸入 Integration Middleware 中(見 “Application Development & Deployment  at IDC Research -- XMind Online Library ”)。IDC 在 Integration Middleware 下定義了三類軟體:API Management Software、Enterprise Service Bus Middleware 和 Connectivity Middleware。

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