隨著iOS專案的版本不斷迭代,app中冗餘檔案會越來越多,app size也持續增加,是時候需要對app冗餘資源進行檢測,對app進行瘦身。
1. 執行環境為mac, 首先準備好工程原始碼;
2. 新建,將下面的程式碼貼上到check.sh中並且儲存;(可將txt檔案改成sh字尾)
#!/bin/sh ##### several cases that the scripts does not work: ##### 1) there is space or slash in the resources file, such as "aaa .png" 資原始檔名中含有空格或者/ ##### 2) reference resources in commented code 資源引用程式碼被註釋了 ##### 3) you need to manually checked the resources one by one in the result 對於指令碼檢查結果,最好人工檢查一遍 ##### 4) you can add some other types more than png, jpg, gif, wav, m4a 如果需要檢查其他資源,請自行修改指令碼; ##### 5)預設檔案字尾都是如@2x.png格式,如果字尾格式不同,請自行修改指令碼; #### set parameters:PrjPath為專案工程所在目錄,包含.m .xib檔案;ResPath為被掃描的資原始檔目錄,包含.png .wav #### xcodeprojPath為工程xcodeproj位置 PrjPath=/Users/....... ResPath=/Users/....... xcodeprojPath=/Users/....../******.xcodeproj if [ -f ~/Desktop/resource_san_result.txt ];then rm -f ~/Desktop/resource_san_result.txt fi cd $PrjPath files=$(find . -name "*.m" -o -name "*.xib" -o -name "*.mm" -o -name "*.plist") cd $ResPath for png in $(find . -name "*.png" -o -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.gif" -o -name "*.wav" -o -name "*.m4a") do basename='basename/'$png basename=${basename##*/} # echo $basename if [ "${basename##*.}" == "png" ];then echo $basename|grep -q @2x.png if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@2x.png} else echo $basename|grep -q @3x.png if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@3x.png} else name=${basename%.png} fi fi elif [ "${basename##*.}" == "jpg" ];then echo $basename|grep -q @2x.jpg if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@2x.jpg} else echo $basename|grep -q @3x.jpg if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@3x.jpg} else name=${basename%%.jpg} fi fi elif [ "${basename##*.}" == "gif" ];then echo $basename|grep -q @2x.gif if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@2x.gif} else echo $basename|grep -q @3x.gif if [ $? -eq 0 ];then name=${basename%%@3x.gif} else name=${basename%%.gif} fi fi elif [ "${basename##*.}" == "wav" ];then name=${basename%%.wav} elif [ "${basename##*.}" == "m4a" ]; then name=${basename%%.m4a} else name='' fi if [ ${#name} -gt 0 ];then # # name=${name%%[0-9]*} cd $PrjPath if grep -q $name $files;then echo "$png" is used else cd $xcodeprojPath if grep -q $name project.pbxproj;then echo "$png" is not used >> ~/Desktop/resource_san_result.txt else echo "$png" is not packaged fi fi else echo name is empty fi done if [ -f ~/Desktop/resource_san_result.txt ]; then echo ***************the end of scan. Please see result from resource_san_result.txt else echo ***************the end of scan, everything is OK fi
3. 設定指令碼中引數:
PrjPath為專案工程所在目錄,包含.m .xib檔案;
ResPath為被掃描的資原始檔目錄,包含.png .wav;
PrjPath=/Users/zhuquan/Documents/secret-develop/Project ResPath=/Users/zhuquan/Documents/secret-develop/Project/Phoenix/Res xcodeprojPath=/Users/zhuquan/Documents/secret-develop/Project/Phoenix.xcodeproj
4. 執行指令碼;
5. 最後會出檢測結果,檢測出來的冗餘資源最好人工檢查一遍。
[zhuquandeMacBook-Pro:Desktop zhuquan$ ./ ./1.png is used ./2.png is used ./3.png is used ./4.png is used ./5.png is used ./ajax-loader.gif is not packaged ./運動記錄.png is not packaged ***************the end of scan, everything is OK
1. 如果資原始檔名中含有空格或者/,比如”aaa .png”,該資源無法正常檢測;
2. 如果資原始檔在程式碼中被引用了,但是該引用程式碼被註釋掉了,也無法成功檢測;
3. 對於最終指令碼輸出的指令碼檢查結果,最好人工檢查一遍,有些資源可能並非是冗餘資源;
4. 目前指令碼中支援的資源型別有.png .jpg .gif .wav .m4a,如果需要檢查其他資源,請自行修改指令碼。