- -f – 日誌檔名
- -b – 開啟流量統計,如果希望加快分析速度不建議使用該引數
- -s – 開啟HTTP響應程式碼統計
- -a – 開啟使用者代理統計
- -e – 開啟指定IP地址統計,預設禁用
- -p -指定goacces使用者配置檔案路徑
- F1 幫助選單
- F5 重新整理
- q 退出當前口窗、選單、或是當前檢視的選項
- o 開啟當前的選項、選單
- c 改變視窗配色(目前只有兩種 預設和綠色)
- SHIFT + TAB 從當前選定模組向後切換
- RIGHT 開啟當前選中模組,檢視詳細資訊
- s 透過日期排序,只會在訪問請求模組起作用
- S 透過點選次數排序,只會在訪問請求模組起作用
- / 檢視詳細資訊的視窗進行搜尋
- n 透過/進行查詢後,查詢下個匹配的內容的位置,如果沒有則在視窗底部顯示“search hit BOTTOM”
- t 在檢視詳細資訊視窗,移動指標到最頂部
- b 在檢視詳細資訊視窗,移動指標到最底部
apache - what is? - how in goaccess
%v - vhost - %^ ignore it
%h - host - %h
%l - hyphen - %^ ignore it
%u - user - %^ ignore it
%t - timestamp - [%d:t% %^] ignore the zone from apache log
%r - request - %r
%s - status - %s
%b - size - %b
%{referer}i - request header - %R
%{UAgent}i - user agent - %u
%d date field matching the date_format variable.
%h host (the client IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6) IT網,
%r The request line from the client. This requires specific delimiters around the request (as single quotes, double quotes, or anything else) to be parsable. If not, we
have to use a combination of special format specifiers as %m %U %H.
%m The request method.
%U The URL path requested (including any query string).
%H The request protocol.
%s The status code that the server sends back to the client. IT網,
%b The size of the object returned to the client.
%R The “Referrer” HTTP request header.
%u The user-agent HTTP request header. Linux學習,http:// linux.it.net.cn
%D The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
%T The time taken to serve the request, in seconds or milliseconds. Note: %D will take priority over %T if both are used.
%^ Ignore this field. Lin
date_format See開始日誌分析並匯出為html檔案:
[root@Rootop ~]# goaccess -f /home/wwwlogs/ --log-format='%h %^[%d:%^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u"' --date-format='%d/%b/%Y' -d -a > test.html
[root@Rootop ~]# goaccess -f /home/wwwlogs/ -d -a -p ~/.goaccessrc > test2.html
#按日期查詢時間段 sed -n "/14//Jul//2015:00:00:00/,/15//Jul//2015:15:00:00/"p access.log > time_access.log
#查詢504錯誤的頁面和數量 awk '($9 ~ /504/)' time_access.log | awk '{print $7}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > 504.log
#查詢訪問最多的20個IP及訪問次數 awk '{print $1}' time_access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -k 1 -r | head -n 20 > top.log
本文出自 “7928217” 部落格,請務必保留此出處http://7938217.blog.51cto.com/7928217/1651862
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/21220384/viewspace-2139772/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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