jconsole 是監視和管理工具。可以檢視堆記憶體,執行緒,類,CPU狀況。直接雙擊就可以啟動了,然後選擇連線本地local還是遠端remote,分析結果就出現在介面上了。當然也可以從命令列啟動介面。
jstack 主要用於執行緒死鎖的監控。
命令列中輸入jstack -h檢視用法
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_14/bin>jstack -h
jstack [-l] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
-l long listing. Prints additional infor
-h or -help to print this help message
pid 程式號
jmap 主要用於監控記憶體洩露時候物件佔用的位元組數。
命令列中輸入jmap -h檢視用法
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_14/bin>jmap -h
jmap -histo <pid>
(to connect to running process and print histogram of java object heap
jmap -dump:<dump-options> <pid>
(to connect to running process and dump java heap)
format=b binary default
file=<file> dump heap to <file>
Example: jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
jstat 主要用於監控jvm的gc使用情況。
命令列中輸入jstat -h檢視用法
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_14/bin>jstat -h
-h requires an integer argument
Usage: jstat -help|-options
jstat -<option> [-t] [-h<lines>] <vmid> [<interval> [<count>]]
<option> An option reported by the -options option
<vmid> Virtual Machine Identifier. A vmid takes the following form:
Where <lvmid> is the local vm identifier for the target
Java virtual machine, typically a process id; <hostname> is
the name of the host running the target Java virtual machine;
and <port> is the port number for the rmiregistry on the
target host. See the jvmstat documentation for a more complete
description of the Virtual Machine Identifier.
<lines> Number of samples between header lines.
<interval> Sampling interval. The following forms are allowed:
Where <n> is an integer and the suffix specifies the units as
milliseconds("ms") or seconds("s"). The default units are "ms".
<count> Number of samples to take before terminating.
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system.
pid 程式號,interval時間間隔,count次數
jhat 主要用於分析jmap產生的dump並提供web頁面檢視分析結果。
命令列中輸入jhat -h檢視用法
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_14/bin>jhat -h
Usage: jhat [-stack <bool>] [-refs <bool>] [-port <port>] [-baseline <file>] [-
debug <int>] [-version] [-h|-help] <file>
-J<flag> Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system. For
example, -J-mx512m to use a maximum heap size of 512MB
-stack false: Turn off tracking object allocation call stack.
-refs false: Turn off tracking of references to objects
-port <port>: Set the port for the HTTP server. Defaults to 7000
-exclude <file>: Specify a file that lists data members that should
be excluded from the reachableFrom query.
-baseline <file>: Specify a baseline object dump. Objects in
both heap dumps with the same ID and same class will
be marked as not being "new".
-debug <int>: Set debug level.
0: No debug output
1: Debug hprof file parsing
2: Debug hprof file parsing, no server
-version Report version number
-h|-help Print this help and exit
<file> The file to read
For a dump file that contains multiple heap dumps,
you may specify which dump in the file
by appending "#<number>" to the file name, i.e. "foo.hprof#3".
All boolean options default to "true"
jhat filename.bin //就可以分析產生的dump檔案,可以透過訪問
IBM的堆分析工具HeapAnalyzer ( )。堆的dump log的檢視化檢視工具。
TDA - Thread Dump Analyzer (https://tda.dev.java.net/ )。執行緒dump的檢視化檢視工具。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/25462274/viewspace-2121807/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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