Indicates whether an archived redo log file has been applied to the corresponding physical standby database. The value is always NO for local destinations. This column is meaningful on a physical standby database for rows where REGISTRAR = RFS: ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = NO, then the log file has been received but has not yet been applied. ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = IN-MEMORY, then the log file has been applied in memory, but the datafiles have not yet been updated. ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = YES, then the log file has been applied and the datafiles have been updated. This column can be used to identify log files that can be backed up and deleted. When used for this purpose, the value IN-MEMORY should be treated as if it were NO.
Indicates whether an archived redo log file has been applied to the corresponding physical standby database. The value is always NO for local destinations. This column is meaningful on a physical standby database for rows where REGISTRAR = RFS: ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = NO, then the log file has been received but has not yet been applied. ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = IN-MEMORY, then the log file has been applied in memory, but the datafiles have not yet been updated. ■ If REGISTRAR = RFS and APPLIED = YES, then the log file has been applied and the datafiles have been updated. This column can be used to identify log files that can be backed up and deleted. When used for this purpose, the value IN-MEMORY should be treated as if it were NO.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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