
透過命令du -sh *發現/root目錄非常大,但是為進入/root目錄下透過du -sh *未發現有空間比較大的檔案,後聯絡主機人員透過find /root -size +102400000c命令查出在.vnc下存在一個日誌非常大的檔案,後直接rm掉這個檔案,發現空間並未恢復,後殺掉所有的vnc程式,空間恢復正常。由於資料庫軟體安裝目錄達到100%導致crsd程式掛掉,使用crsctl start res ora.crsd -init命令重啟crsd程式,故障恢復。


If any of the cluster resources did not restart, then use either the CRSCTL or SRVCTL utility to restart them. For example, you can use commands similar the following to restart various cluster resources, where Grid_home is the home directory of your Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation and Oracle_ home is the home directory of your Oracle RAC database: $ Oracle_home/bin/srvctl start instance -d sales -i "sales1"
# Grid_home/bin/crsctl start resource myResource -n docrac2

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29802484/viewspace-2141304/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
