



This view displays the number of physical reads and writes done and the total number of single-block and multiblock I/Os done at file level. As of Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2), this view also includes reads done by RMAN processes for backup operations.

Column Datatype Description
FILE# NUMBER Number of the file
PHYRDS NUMBER Number of physical reads done
PHYWRTS NUMBER Number of times DBWR is required to write
PHYBLKRD NUMBER Number of physical blocks read
PHYBLKWRT NUMBER Number of blocks written to disk, which may be the same as PHYWRTS if all writes are single blocks
SINGLEBLKRDS NUMBER Number of single block reads
READTIM NUMBER Time (in hundredths of a second) spent doing reads if the TIMED_STATISTICS parameter istrue; 0 if false
WRITETIM NUMBER Time (in hundredths of a second) spent doing writes if the TIMED_STATISTICS parameter istrue; 0 if false
SINGLEBLKRDTIM NUMBER Cumulative single block read time (in hundredths of a second)
AVGIOTIM NUMBER Average time (in hundredths of a second) spent on I/O, if the TIMED_STATISTICS parameter is true; 0 if false
LSTIOTIM NUMBER Time (in hundredths of a second) spent doing the last I/O, if the TIMED_STATISTICSparameter is true; 0 if false
MINIOTIM NUMBER Minimum time (in hundredths of a second) spent on a single I/O, if the TIMED_STATISTICSparameter is true; 0 if false
MAXIORTM NUMBER Maximum time (in hundredths of a second) spent doing a single read, if theTIMED_STATISTICS parameter is true; 0 if false
MAXIOWTM NUMBER Maximum time (in hundredths of a second) spent doing a single write, if theTIMED_STATISTICS parameter is true; 0 if false


  • 物理讀寫數
  • 塊讀寫數
  • I/O讀寫總耗時



  • FILE#:檔案序號;
  • PHYRDS:已完成的物理讀次數;
  • PHYBLKRD:塊讀取數;
  • PHYWRTS:DBWR完成的物理寫次數;
  • PHYBLKWRT:寫入磁碟的塊數;

Sum(physical blocks read) 近似於v$sysstat中的physical reads;
Sum(physical blocks written) 近似於v$sysstat中的physical writes;
資料讀(由快取讀比直讀好)由服務程式處理。從buffer cache寫只能由DBWR進行,直寫由服務程式處理。

select df.tablespace_name name,
       df.file_name       "file",
       f.phyrds           pyr,
       f.phyblkrd         pbr,
       f.phywrts          pyw,
       f.phyblkwrt        pbw
from v$filestat f, dba_data_files df where f.file# = df.file_id
order by df.tablespace_name;

SQL> select sum(PHYBLKWRT),sum( PHYWRTS    ) from v$filestat;

-------------- ------------
      82020105     76972981

SQL> select name,value from v$sysstat where name like '%writes%' ;

NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
physical writes                                                   100817824
physical writes non checkpoint                                     78362383
DBWR transaction table writes                                        140236
DBWR undo block writes                                             21725210
DBWR cross instance writes                                                8
DBWR fusion writes                                                   239173
remote instance undo block writes                                         8
remote instance undo header writes                                        0
redo synch writes                                                 149037740
physical writes direct                                             24863310
physical writes direct (lob)                                        2003213
redo writes                                                       147532422

12 rows selected.

v$filestat 中 :
sum(PHYBLKWRT),sum( PHYWRTS) 分別表示 DBWR 的寫的 block 數和 寫的次數,而 v$sysstat 中表示所有的寫的 blocks 數,包括 server porcess的 direct writes 。當然事實上,我們查詢下表也可以看出 v$filestat 中不包含 臨時表空間

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