交換分割槽之without validation


       看了 全面學習分割槽表及分割槽索引(10)--交換分割槽 這篇,最後是關於使用了without validation子句後,不會再驗證資料的有效性。究竟使用不當會有什麼結果,試下。

(所用的表是 全面學習分割槽表及分割槽索引(10)--交換分割槽 的表)。

SQL> select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production


create table t_partition_range (id number,name varchar2(50))

     partition by range(id)(
     partition t_range_p1 values less than (10) ,
     partition t_range_p2 values less than (20),
     partition t_range_p3 values less than (30) ,
     partition t_range_pmax values less than (maxvalue)
insert into t_partition_range values (11,'a');
insert into t_partition_range values (12,'b');
insert into t_partition_range values (13,'c');
insert into t_partition_range_tmp values (15,'d');
insert into t_partition_range_tmp values (16,'e');
insert into t_partition_range_tmp values (17,'d');

SQL> select * from t_partition_range partition(t_range_p2);

        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        11 a
        12 b
        13 c

SQL> select * from t_partition_range_tmp;

        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        15 d
        16 e
        17 d
         8 g

SQL> alter table t_partition_range exchange partition t_range_p1
  2  with table t_partition_range_tmp ;
with table t_partition_range_tmp
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-14099: all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition
$ oerr ora 14099
14099, 00000, "all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition"
// *Cause:  There is at least one row in the non partitioned table which
//          does not qualify for the partition specified in the ALTER TABLE
// *Action: Ensure that all the rows in the segment qualify for the partition.
//          Perform. the alter table operation with the NO CHECKING option.
//          Run ANALYZE table VALIDATE on that partition to find out the
//          invalid rows and delete them.

--和分割槽1交換,加上without validation

SQL> alter table t_partition_range exchange partition t_range_p1
  2  with table t_partition_range_tmp  without validation;
Table altered.
SQL> select * from t_partition_range partition(t_range_p1);
        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        15 d
        16 e
        17 d
         8 g
SQL> set autotrace on
SQL> select * from t_partition_range where id>10;
        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        11 a
        12 b
        13 c

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 955328034
| Id  | Operation                | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT         |                   |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   1 |  PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR|                   |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |     2 |     4 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL      | T_PARTITION_RANGE |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |     2 |     4 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - filter("ID">10)
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement

          5  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         30  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        639  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        488  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          3  rows processed

SQL> select * from t_partition_range;
        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        15 d
        16 e
        17 d
         8 g
        11 a
        12 b
        13 c
7 rows selected.

可以看到,當查詢where id>10時,使用分割槽特性過濾了分割槽1,掃描了2-4。


這就是without validation使用不慎的結果吧。


SQL> select * from t_partition_range partition(t_range_p1) where id>10;

        ID NAME
---------- --------------------------------------------------
        15 d
        16 e
        17 d

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3894260365

| Id  | Operation              | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT       |                   |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   1 |  PARTITION RANGE SINGLE|                   |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     1 |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL    | T_PARTITION_RANGE |     3 |   120 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     1 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - filter("ID">10)

   - dynamic sampling used for this statement

          4  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         16  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        639  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        488  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          3  rows processed

按照分割槽表的定義,其實這個分割槽不該有大於10的資料。當然剛剛製造了些。Oracle在這裡以及之前的查詢都有一個 filter("ID">10),或者這樣更可靠些?畢竟存在著不該出現的資料的可能。

不加 without validation子時,會檢驗 資料的有效性 ,是做了全表掃描麼(如果對應id如有索引呢?)?如果需要做全表掃描,還很快麼?




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