PLSQL Developer 複製查詢結果 卡頓


PLSQL Developer查詢結果表格中複製欄位值,總會 卡頓一下,原因是PLSQL Dev預設會再次從oracle 資料字典裡讀取欄位meta info,如圖:


可以在PL/SQL Dev中依次開啟:

Configure->Preferences->Window Types->SQL Window

取消勾選“  Show dictionary info in result grid 


Show dictionary info in result grid. 

When enabled, the following dictionary info will be displayed in the result grid: 
   -  The column data type, optionality, and comment will be displayed on the status line. 
   -  A lookup list will be displayed for columns with a check constraint that checks for specific 
   values (e.g. col in (value1, value2, ...)) 
   -  A Lookup list will be displayed for columns with a foreign key constraint to small tables of 
   less than 1000 rows. 

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
