Google Authenticator implementation in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding= utf-8
Created on 2017年9月29日
@author: babaoqi
import string, random
import hmac, base64, struct, hashlib, time
def random_str(size=10):
#all_char = string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
all_char = string.letters + string.digits
rchars = [random.choice(all_char) for i in range(size)]
rstr = "".join(rchars)
return rstr
def get_secret():
rstr = random_str()
# random_str 長度必須是5的倍數, encode後最後才不含'='號
# 長度=10,encode返回長度為16
secret = base64.b32encode(rstr)
return secret.upper()
# 基於次數
def get_hotp_token(secret, intervals_no):
key = base64.b32decode(secret, True)
msg = struct.pack(">Q", intervals_no)
googleCode =, msg, hashlib.sha1).digest()
o = ord(googleCode[19]) & 15
googleCode = (struct.unpack(">I", googleCode[o:o + 4])[0] & 0x7fffffff) % 1000000
# 如果驗證碼的第一位是0,則不會顯示。此處判斷若是5位碼,則在第一位補上0
# 前面補0
sl = len(str(googleCode))
if sl < 6:
googleCode = "%s%s" % ('0' * (6 - sl), googleCode)
return googleCode
# 基於時間
def get_totp_token(secret):
period_seconds = 30
intervals_no = int(time.time()) // period_seconds
return get_hotp_token(secret, intervals_no)
if __name__ == '__main__':
secret = get_secret()
for i in xrange(0,30):
print secret, get_totp_token(secret), get_hotp_token(secret, i)
- exit(0)
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