create table test_1(
nian varchar2(4),
qrq date,
zrq date
create table test_2(
nian varchar2(4),
qrq date,
zrq date
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-01-01',date'2013-03-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-05-01',date'2013-06-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-07-01',date'2013-10-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-12-01',date'2013-12-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-01-01',date'2014-05-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-06-01',date'2014-06-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-07-01',date'2014-07-01');
insert into test_2 values('2013',date'2013-09-01',date'2013-09-01');
insert into test_2 values('2014',date'2014-04-01',date'2014-04-01');
第一步:實現表1 的資料格式轉換
select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq;
select d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_2 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d, (select e.qrq, e.zrq from test_2 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq;
select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq, months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq, max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq);
select m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq, m.yrq,
over(partition by m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq order by m.yrq)) yrqg
from (select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq
from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq,
months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq, max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq)) m;
select n.nian, min(n.yrq) qrq, max(n.yrq) zrq
from (select m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq, m.yrq,
-dense_rank() over(partition by m.nian, m.qrq,
m.zrq order by m.yrq)) yrqg
from (select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq,
months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq
from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq,
months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq,
max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq)) m) n
group by n.nian, n.yrqg;
create table test_1(
nian varchar2(4),
qrq date,
zrq date
create table test_2(
nian varchar2(4),
qrq date,
zrq date
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-01-01',date'2013-03-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-05-01',date'2013-06-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-07-01',date'2013-10-01');
insert into test_1 values('2013',date'2013-12-01',date'2013-12-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-01-01',date'2014-05-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-06-01',date'2014-06-01');
insert into test_1 values('2014',date'2014-07-01',date'2014-07-01');
insert into test_2 values('2013',date'2013-09-01',date'2013-09-01');
insert into test_2 values('2014',date'2014-04-01',date'2014-04-01');
第一步:實現表1 的資料格式轉換
select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq;
select d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_2 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d, (select e.qrq, e.zrq from test_2 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq;
select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq, months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq, max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq);
select m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq, m.yrq,
over(partition by m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq order by m.yrq)) yrqg
from (select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq, months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq
from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq,
months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq, max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq)) m;
select n.nian, min(n.yrq) qrq, max(n.yrq) zrq
from (select m.nian, m.qrq, m.zrq, m.yrq,
-dense_rank() over(partition by m.nian, m.qrq,
m.zrq order by m.yrq)) yrqg
from (select f.nian, f.qrq, f.zrq, d.yrq
from (select add_months(c.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select b.qrq,
months_between(b.zrq, b.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(a.qrq) qrq, max(a.zrq) zrq
from test_1 a) b) c
connect by level <= c.ys) d,
(select e.nian, e.qrq, e.zrq from test_1 e) f
where d.yrq between f.qrq and f.zrq
and not exists
(select j.yrq
from (select add_months(i.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from (select h.qrq,
months_between(h.zrq, h.qrq) + 1 ys
from (select min(g.qrq) qrq,
max(g.zrq) zrq
from test_2 g) h) i
connect by level <= i.ys) j,
(select k.qrq, k.zrq from test_2 k) l
where j.yrq between l.qrq and l.zrq
and j.yrq = d.yrq)) m) n
group by n.nian, n.yrqg;
with t1 as
(select lr.grid, lr.cwid, lr.xzqh, lr.nian, lr.qrq, lr.zrq
from gr_yljf_zyd_jxzhmx_lr lr, gr_yljf_zyd_jxxx jx
where lr.cwid = jx.cwid
and lr.grid = jx.grid
and jx.shzt = '0'
and lr.grid =
(select dp_gr_query.get_grid('410901196802242730') from dual)
and lr.yjfjs != 0.00
and lr.xzqh not like '11%'
and to_char(jx.sprq, '') <=
to_char(add_months(sysdate, -1), '')),
t2 as
(select tf.grid, tf.cwid, tf.nian, tf.qrq, tf.zrq
from gr_yljf_zyd_jxzhtf tf, gr_yljf_zyd_jxxx jx
where tf.grid = jx.grid(+)
and jx.shzt = '0'
and tf.grid =
(select dp_gr_query.get_grid('410901196802242730') from dual))
select lb.grid, lb.xzqh, lb.cwid, lb.nian, min(lb.yrq) qrq, max(lb.yrq) zrq
from (select la.grid, la.xzqh, la.cwid, la.nian, la.qrq, la.zrq, la.yrq,
over(partition by la.grid, la.xzqh, la.cwid, la.nian,
la.qrq, la.zrq order by la.yrq)) yrqg
from (select t3.grid, t3.cwid, t3.xzqh, t3.nian, t3.qrq, t3.zrq,
from (select t1.grid, t1.cwid, t1.xzqh, t1.nian, t1.qrq,
t1.zrq, add_months(t1.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from t1
connect by LEVEL <= months_between(t1.zrq, t1.qrq) + 1
AND PRIOR t1.qrq = t1.qrq
AND PRIOR t1.zrq = t1.zrq
AND PRIOR dbms_random.value IS NOT NULL) t3
where not exists
(select 1
from (select add_months(t2.qrq, level - 1) yrq
from t2
connect by LEVEL <=
months_between(t2.zrq, t2.qrq) + 1
AND PRIOR t2.qrq = t2.qrq
AND PRIOR t2.zrq = t2.zrq
AND PRIOR dbms_random.value IS NOT NULL) t4
where t3.yrq = t4.yrq)) la) lb
group by lb.grid, lb.xzqh, lb.cwid, lb.nian, lb.qrq, lb.zrq;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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