ORACLE EXADATA升級—從11.到11.–(5)釋放Solaris空間
Exadata在出廠的時候,預設安裝了兩個OS系統,一個是Linux,一個是Solaris X86,然後互相做RAID 1,我們在升級計算節點的時候,如果不釋放掉Solaris就會報下列錯誤:
ERROR: Solaris disks are not reclaimed. This needs to be done before the upgrade. See the Exadata Database Machine documentation to claim the Solaris disks
我們可以使用出廠自帶的指令碼來檢視計算節點本地盤的一個情況,這裡可以看到,總共物理盤有4塊,RDID的級別是1,擁有dual boot。
[root@gxx2db01 oracle.SupportTools]# ./ -check [INFO] This is SUN FIRE X4170 M2 SERVER machine [INFO] Number of LSI controllers: 1 [INFO] Physical disks found: 4 (252:0 252:1 252:2 252:3) [INFO] Logical drives found: 3 [INFO] Dual boot installation: yes [WARNING] Some lvm logical volume(s) resizes on other than /dev/sda device [INFO] Linux logical drive: 0 [INFO] RAID Level for the Linux logical drive: 1 [INFO] Physical disks in the Linux logical drive: 2 (252:0 252:1) [INFO] Dedicated Hot Spares for the Linux logical drive: 0 [INFO] Global Hot Spares: 0 [INFO] Valid dual boot configuration found for Linux: RAID1 from 2 disks
[root@gxx2db02 oracle.SupportTools]# ./ -free -reclaim Started from ./ [INFO] Free mode is set [INFO] Reclaim mode is set [INFO] This is SUN FIRE X4170 M2 SERVER machine [INFO] Number of LSI controllers: 1 [INFO] Physical disks found: 4 (252:0 252:1 252:2 252:3) [INFO] Logical drives found: 3 [INFO] Dual boot installation: yes [INFO] Linux logical drive: 0 [INFO] RAID Level for the Linux logical drive: 1 [INFO] Physical disks in the Linux logical drive: 2 (252:0 252:1) [INFO] Dedicated Hot Spares for the Linux logical drive: 0 [INFO] Global Hot Spares: 0 [INFO] Non-linux physical disks that will be reclaimed: 2 (252:2 252:3) [INFO] Non-linux logical drives that will be reclaimed: 2 (1 2) Remove logical drive 1 Adapter 0: Deleted Virtual Drive-1(target id-1) Exit Code: 0x00 Remove logical drive 2 Adapter 0: Deleted Virtual Drive-2(target id-2) Exit Code: 0x00 [INFO] Remove Solaris entries from /boot/grub/grub.conf [INFO] Disk reclaiming started in the background with parent process id 17405. [INFO] Check the log file /var/log/cellos/ [INFO] This process may take about two hours. [INFO] DO NOT REBOOT THE NODE. [INFO] The node will be rebooted automatically upon completion.
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