v$asm 相關的view
v$asm 相關的view[@more@]
v$asm_alias contains one row for every alias present in every disk group mounted by the oracle asm instance
v$asm_attribute display one row for each attribute defined,in addition to attribute specified by create diskgroup and alter diskgroup statements,the view may show other attribute that are created automatically . attribute are only display for disk groups where compatible,asm is set to 11.1 or high
v$asm_client in an oracle asm instance,identifies database using disk groups managed by the oracle asm instance in an oracle database instance,contains information about the oracle asm instance if the database has open oracle asm files
v$asm_disk contains one row for every disk discovered by the oracle asm instance,including disks that are not part of any disk group
v$asm_disk_iostat diskplay information about disk i/o statistics for each oracle asm client,
in an oracle database instance,only the rows for that instance are shown
v$asm_disk_stat contains the same columns as v$asm_disk,but to reduce overhead,does not perform a discovery when it is queried.it only returns information about any disks that are part of mounted
disk groups in the storage system.to see all disks,use v$asm_disk instead
v$asm_diskgroup describes a disk group(number,name,size related info,state and redundancy type)
v$asm_diskgroup_stat contains the same columns as v$asm_diskgroup,but to reduce overhead,does not perform a discovery when it is queried.it does not return information about any disks that are part of mounted disk group in the storage system,to see all disks,use v$asm_diskgroup instead.
v$asm_file contains one row for every oracle asm file in every disk group mount by the oracle asm instance
v$asm_operation in an oracle asm instance,contains one row for every active oracle asm long runing operation executing in the oracle asm instance. in an oracle database instance,contains no rows.
v$asm_template contains one row for every template present in every disk group mounted by the oracle asm instance
v$asm_user contains the effective operating system user names of connected database instances and names of file owners.
v$asm_usergroup contains the creator for each oracle asm file access control group
v$asm_usergroup_member contains the members for each oracle asm file access control group
v$asm_acfs_encryption_info contains encryption information for each oracle acfs file system
v$asm_acfs_security_info contains security realm information for each oracle acfs file system
v$asm_acfssnapshots contains snapshot information for every mounted oracle acfs file system
v$asm_acfsvolumnes contains information about mounted oracle acfs volumnes,correlated with
v$asm_filesystem contains columns that display information for every mounted oracle acfs file system
v$asm_volume contains information about each oracle advm volume that is a member of an
oracle asm instance
v$asm_volumne_stat contains information about statistics for each oracle advm volume
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24237320/viewspace-1060187/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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