

select distinct 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||b.sid||', '||b.serial#||''';'
from v$locked_object a,v$session b where a.session_id=b.sid


alter system kill session 的語法:

The KILL SESSION clause lets you mark a session as terminated, roll back ongoing transactions, release all session locks, and partially recover session resources. To use this clause, your instance must have the database open. Your session and the session to be terminated must be on the same instance unless you specify integer3.You must identify the session with the following values from the V$SESSION view:
alter system KILL SESSION 'integer1, integer2[, @integer3]' [IMMEDIATE]
For integer1, specify the value of the SID column.
For integer2, specify the value of the SERIAL# column.
For the optional integer3, specify the ID of the instance where the target session to be killed exists. You can find the instance ID by querying the GV$ tables.

RAC中kill session的指令碼:

select distinct 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||b.sid||', '||b.serial#||',@'||b.inst_id||''';'
from gv$locked_object a,gv$session b where a.session_id=b.sid and a.inst_id=b.inst_id

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24237320/viewspace-1060989/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
