

PL/SQL is a completely portable, high-performance transaction processing language that offers the following advantages:

1:Tight Integration with SQL

2:Better Performance

Without PL/SQL, Oracle must process SQL statements one at a time.This can drastically reduce network traffic between the database and an application.This can drastically reduce network traffic between the database and an application.Stored procedures are cached and shared among users, which lowers memory requirements and invocation overhead.

3:Higher Productivity

PL/SQL lets you write very compact code for manipulating data.

4:Full Portability

Applications written in PL/SQL can run on any operating system and platform where the Oracle database runs. With PL/SQL, you can write portable program libraries and reuse them in different environments.

5:Tight Security

you can grant users access to a procedure that updates a table, but not grant them access to the table itself or to the text of the UPDATE statement.

6:Access to Pre-defined Packages

Oracle provides product-specific packages that define APIs you can call from PL/SQL to perform many useful tasks.

7:Support for Object-Oriented Programming

8:Support for Developing Web Applications and Pages


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