10G RAC 安裝 注意事項
Oracle RAC hosts 檔案格式:
[root@rac1 racg]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost rac1 rac2 rac1-priv rac2-priv rac1-vip rac2-vip
[root@rac1 racg]#
注意: 一定要有 localhost 一項,否則在配置完 ONS , 啟動 ONS 時, 會在日誌檔案 /u01/crs/log/rac1/racg/ora.rac1.ons.log 中報以下錯誤:
Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2005 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2011-10-10 09:35:06.728: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: Failed to get IP for localhost (1)
Failed to get IP for localhost (1)
Failed to get IP for localhost (1)
onsctl: ons failed to start
2011-10-10 09:35:06.728: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: clsrcexecut: env ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=/u01/crs
2011-10-10 09:35:06.728: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: clsrcexecut: cmd = /u01/crs/bin/racgeut -e _USR_ORA_DEBUG=0 540 /u01/crs/bin/onsctl start
2011-10-10 09:35:06.728: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: clsrcexecut: rc = 1, time = 2.050s
2011-10-10 09:35:09.487: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: Failed to get IP for localhost (1)
ons is not running ...
2011-10-10 09:35:09.487: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: clsrcexecut: env ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME=/u01/crs
2011-10-10 09:35:09.487: [ RACG][31419680] [12990][31419680][ora.rac1.ons]: clsrcexecut: cmd = /u01/crs/bin/racgeut -e _USR_ORA_DEBUG=0 540 /u01/crs/bin/onsctl ping
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