Exchange 2010 Powershell指令碼攻略(二)
[string] $Server,
[string] $TopPublicFolder = "",
[string] $User = "",
[string] $Permissions = ""
# This function validates the scripts parameters
function ValidateParams
$validInputs = $true
$errorString = ""
if ($TopPublicFolder -eq "")
$validInputs = $false
$errorString += "`nMissing parameter: The -TopPublicFolder parameter is required. Please pass in a valid Public Folder path, name, or entryID."
if ($User -eq "")
$validInputs = $false
$errorString += "`nMissing parameter: The -User parameter is required. Please pass in a valid user name, email address or GUID"
if ($Permissions -eq "")
$validInputs = $false
$errorString += "`nMissing parameter: The -Permissions parameter is required. Please pass in a valid MAPI permission set"
if (!$validInputs)
Write-error "$errorString"
return $validInputs
# Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request
function IsHelpRequest
return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help");
# Function that displays the help related to this script following
# the same format provided by get-help or
function Usage
`tAdds a specific user with specific permissions to the client
`tpermissions list for a public folder, and all the contained folders
`tunder it. If the user is already listed in the client permissions list
`tfor a particular folder, the user's permissions are updated to the new
`tspecified set.
`t-Server (optional)
`t`tThe server to operate against. Must be an Exchange 2007 Mailbox server
`t`twith a public folder database. Defaults to a convenient server.
`t-TopPublicFolder (required)
`t`tThe folder identity of the top of the tree of folders to modify
`t-User (required)
`t`tThe identity of the user to add to the client permissions.
`t-Permissions (required)
`t`tA MAPI client permission set
`t-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
C:PS> .AddUsersToPFRecursive.ps1 -TopPublicFolder "Folder" -User "user" -Permissions {Reviewer,Owner}
`t-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
C:PS> .AddUsersToPFRecursive.ps1 -Server "MyEx2007Server" -TopPublicFolder "Folder" -User "user" -Permission {Reviewer,Owner}
# Script starts here
# Check for Usage Statement Request
$args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } }
# Validate the parameters
$ifValidParams = ValidateParams;
if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; }
if ($server)
$getpfcmd = "get-publicfolder -server $Server -identity ""$TopPublicFolder"" -Recurse -resultsize unlimited"
$getpfcmd = "get-publicfolder -identity ""$TopPublicFolder"" -Recurse -resultsize unlimited"
# The cast to [void] is to ignore the result of the Add method,
# which normally returns an int value. This int value is output to the
# console and is of no interest to anybody.
$pfsToChange = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
invoke-expression $getpfcmd | foreach {
$OriginatingServer = $_.OriginatingServer
$pfsToChange | foreach {
$permission = get-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity $_ -user $User -erroraction Stop -server $OriginatingServer
if ($permission -ne $null) {
$permission | remove-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity $_ -server $OriginatingServer -Confirm:$false
add-PublicFolderClientPermission -identity $_ -user $user -AccessRights $Permissions -server $OriginatingServer;
[@more@]來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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