Exchange 2010 Powershell指令碼攻略(八)



param($ldapPort, $sslPort, $logPath, $dataPath)

# Adam Service Name

$AdamServiceName = "ADAM_MSExchange"

# Transport Service Name

$EdgeTransportServiceName = "MSExchangeTransport"

# Adam Instance Name

$AdamInstanceName = "MSExchange"

# Activate Instance command string

$ActivateInstanceCommand = "'Activate Instance " + $AdamInstanceName + "'"

# Get the windows directry.

$sysDir = [System.Environment]::SystemDirectory

$windowsDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($sysDir)

# Path to the dsdbutil

$dsdbutil = $windowsDir + "Adamdsdbutil.exe"

# Registry location of the ADAM Config

$adamConfigRegistryPath = "HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftExchangeServerv14EdgeTransportRoleAdamSettingsMSExchange"

# LDAP Registry Entry Name

$ldapPortRegistryEntry = "LdapPort"

# SSL Registry Entry Name

$sslPortRegistryEntry = "SslPort"

# ADAM Data Log Path Registry Entry

$logFilesPathRegistryEntry = "LogFilesPath"

# ADAM Data File Path Registry Entry Name

$dataFilesPathRegistryEntry = "DataFilesPath"


# Retrieves the ADAM Regsitry value of the given entry.

# adamProperty: Adam Setting to the retrieved

# returns: return entry value of found else null


function GetAdamRegistryEntry([String] $adamProperty)


$adamEntries = get-itemproperty $adamConfigRegistryPath



return $adamEntries.($adamProperty)


return $null



# Verifies whether the sequence of commands failed or succeeded.

# statusLog: Contains the status of the sequence of commands executed

# returns: True if successs else false.


function VerifyStatusLog([Object] $statusLog)


$status = $false

foreach($log in $statusLog)


# Very Nasty way of doing this check.

# Other way of doing is pass the entire success message and compare it.

# either way it still ends with comparing with some string.

# "SUCCESSFULLY" is seen only if the entire command is succeeded.

# Opened a Bug to track this(Bug 59676)



$status = $true




if($status -eq $false)


write-host $statusLog


return $status



# Set the ADAM Regsitry value of the given entry.

# adamProperty: Adam Setting to the changed

# adamPropertyValue: Value for the Entry.


function SetAdamRegistryEntry([String] $adamProperty, [String] $adamPropertyValue)


set-itemproperty $adamConfigRegistryPath -name $adamProperty -value $adamPropertyValue



# Changes the LDAP Port of the ADAM. if the new value

# is same as the existing value do nothing. Also updates

# the registry Entry of the ADAM Section in Exchange

# ldapport: LDAP Port Value


function ChangeLDAPPort([int] $ldapPort)


$currentValue = GetAdamRegistryEntry($ldapPortRegistryEntry)

if($currentValue -eq $null)


write-host "Failed to retrieve the current LDAP Port from Registry"



elseif($currentValue -eq $ldapPort)


write-host "Current LDAP Port setting is $ldapPort"



$ldapPortCommand = "'LDAP Port " + $ldapPort + "'"

$quit = "'quit'"

$command = $dsdbutil +

" " +

$ActivateInstanceCommand +

" " + $ldapPortCommand +

" " + $quit

$statusLog = invoke-expression($command)

$isSuccess = VerifyStatusLog($statusLog)

if($isSuccess -eq $true)


SetAdamRegistryEntry $ldapPortRegistryEntry $ldapPort

write-host "LDAP Port Successfully changed to $ldapPort"




write-host "Changing LDAP Port to $ldapPort failed."




# Changes the SSL Port of the ADAM. if the new value

# is same as the existing value do nothing. Also updates

# the registry Entry of the ADAM Section in Exchange

# sslport: SSL Port Value


function ChangeSSLPort([int] $sslPort)


$currentValue = GetAdamRegistryEntry($sslPortRegistryEntry)

if($currentValue -eq $null)


write-host "Failed to retrieve the current SSL Port from Registry"



elseif($currentValue -eq $sslPort)


write-host "Current SSL Port setting is $sslport"



$sslPortCommand = "'SSL Port " + $sslPort + "'"

$quit = "'quit'"

$statusLog = invoke-expression($dsdbutil +

" " +

$ActivateInstanceCommand +

" " + $sslPortCommand +

" " + $quit)

$isSuccess = VerifyStatusLog($statusLog)

if($isSuccess -eq $true)


SetAdamRegistryEntry $sslPortRegistryEntry $sslPort

write-host "SSL Port Successfully changed to $sslPort"




write-host "Changing SSL Port to $sslPort failed."




# Changes the Log Path of the ADAM. if the new value

# is same as the existing value do nothing. Also updates

# the registry Entry of the ADAM Section in Exchange

# dataLogPath: Log files path


function ChangeLogPath([String] $logPath)


$currentValue = GetAdamRegistryEntry($logFilesPathRegistryEntry)

if($currentValue -eq $null)


write-host "Failed to retrieve the current Log Path from Registry"



elseif($currentValue -eq $logPath)


write-host "Current Data Log Path setting is $logPath"



$filesCommand = "'Files'"

$quit = "'quit'"

$setlogpathCommand = "'set path logs ``"" + $logPath + "``"'"

$command = $dsdbutil + " " +

$ActivateInstanceCommand + " " +

$filesCommand + " " + $setlogpathCommand + " " +

$quit + " " + $quit

$statusLog = invoke-expression($command)

$isSuccess = VerifyStatusLog($statusLog)

if($isSuccess -eq $true)


SetAdamRegistryEntry $logFilesPathRegistryEntry $logPath

write-host "Log Path Successfully changed to $logPath"




write-host "Changing Log Path to $logPath failed."




# Changes the DATA File Path of the ADAM. if the new value

# is same as the existing value do nothing. Also updates

# the registry Entry of the ADAM Section in Exchange

# dataLogPath: Data file path


function ChangeDataPath([String] $dataPath)


$currentValue = GetAdamRegistryEntry($dataFilesPathRegistryEntry)

if($currentValue -eq $null)


write-host "Failed to retrieve the current Data File Path from Registry"



elseif($currentValue -eq $dataPath)


write-host "Current Data File Path setting is $dataPath"



$filesCommand = "'Files'"

$quit = "'quit'"

$setdatafilepathCommand = "'Move DB to ``"" + $dataPath + "``"'"

$command = $dsdbutil + " " +

$ActivateInstanceCommand + " " +

$filesCommand + " " +

$setdatafilepathCommand + " " +

$quit + " " + $quit

$statusLog = invoke-expression($command)

$isSuccess = verifyStatusLog($statusLog)

if($isSuccess -eq $true)


setAdamRegistryEntry $dataFilesPathRegistryEntry $dataPath

write-host "Data Path Successfully changed to $dataPath"




write-host "Changing Data Path to $dataPath failed."




# Validate the input data.

# return: return false if no input values are passed

# else true.


function ValidateInput()


if(($ldapport -eq $null) -and

($sslport -eq $null) -and

($logPath -eq $null) -and

($dataPath -eq $null))


write-host "ConfigureAdam.ps1 [-LDAPPort:] [-SSLPort:]

[-LogPath:] [-DataPath:]"

write-host "At least one parameter must be supplied."

return $false


return $true



# Script starts here. Validate the input.

# Calls the methods to set the each config property

# to be set.


$isValidInput = ValidateInput

if($isValidInput -eq $false)




stop-service -Name:$AdamServiceName -Force:$true

$adamServiceStatus = get-service $AdamServiceName

if(($adamServiceStatus -eq $null) -or

($adamServiceStatus.Status -ne [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped))


write-host "Stopping Adam Servive failed"





$status = ChangeLDAPPort $ldapPort




$status = ChangeSSLPort $sslPort




$status = ChangeLogPath $logPath




$status = ChangeDataPath $dataPath


start-service $AdamServiceName

start-service $EdgeTransportServiceName


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