Exchange 2010 Powershell指令碼攻略(九)



$local:CommandAppCmd = "$env:windirSystem32inetsrvappcmd.exe"

function local:Invoke-ExpressionWithConfiguredLogging([string]$expression)


if ((Get-Command Invoke-ExpressionWithLoggin[g] -CommandType Function) -ne $null)


# Executing as a part of workflow

Invoke-ExpressionWithLogging $expression




# Default PowerShell way

Invoke-Expression $expression



function local:Run-CommandWithConfiguredLogging([string]$exeName, [string]$parameters)


if ((Get-Command Start-SetupProces[s] -CommandType CmdLet) -ne $null)


# Executing as a part of setup

Start-SetupProcess -Name $exeName -Args $parameters




Invoke-ExpressionWithConfiguredLogging "$exeName $parameters"



function local:SetRegistryValueNoLogging([string]$key, [string]$valueName, [object]$value, [ScriptBlock]$keyDoesNotExist)


if (-not (Test-Path $key))


& $keyDoesNotExist


if ($value -ne $null)


Set-ItemProperty -path $key -name $valueName -value $value




Remove-ItemProperty -path $key -name $valueName



function script:Set-RegistryValue([string]$key, [string]$valueName, [object]$value, [ScriptBlock]$keyDoesNotExist = {[void](New-Item -path $key)})


$initialErrorCount = $error.Count

# $value can be of a variety of types and even $null

SetRegistryValueNoLogging $key $valueName $value $keyDoesNotExist

if ($error.Count -ne $initialErrorCount `

-and (Get-Command Write-ExchangeSetupLo[g] -CommandType CmdLet) -ne $null)


# Executing as a part of setup

$error[0..($error.Count - $initialErrorCount - 1)] `

| Write-ExchangeSetupLog $_ $_.Exception

# Reset the errors if the only thing that failed was a registry operation

if ($initialErrorCount -eq 0)







# Actual logic


# Configures a Global Catalog running on the current machine to listen

# on the standard NSPI Rpc-over-Http port 6004. This would enable Rpc-over-Http

# connections from Outlook clients to a GC, RpcProxy'ed by CAS boxes.


# For more information, see

# - (EXCHG.65).aspx

function Enable-NspiOverRpcOverHttpForGlobalCatalog


Set-RegistryValue `

'HKLM:SystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters' `

'NSPI interface protocol sequences' `

([string[]]'ncacn_http:6004') `

{throw "This setting can only be enabled on Windows Domain Controllers"}


function Enable-RpcOverTcpPortScaling


Set-RegistryValue `

'HKLM:SOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTRpc' `

'EnableTcpPortScaling' `



function Enable-ExtendedTcpPortRange([string[]]$protocols = ('ipv4', 'ipv6'))


# See for details on this setting.

# Start from port 6005, as Exchange and SQL have assigned ports below.

$protocols | foreach {Run-CommandWithConfiguredLogging netsh "interface $_ set dynamicportrange protocol=tcp startport=6005 numberofports=59530"}


function Set-IisKernelModeAuthentication([bool]$isEnabled)


$mode = @{$true='true'; $false='false'}[$isEnabled]

Run-CommandWithConfiguredLogging $CommandAppCmd "set config /section:windowsAuthentication /useKernelMode:$mode"


function Set-IisApplicationPoolRecycling([string]$appPool, [TimeSpan]$idleTimeout, [TimeSpan]$periodicRestart)


Run-CommandWithConfiguredLogging $CommandAppCmd "set config /section:applicationPools `"/[name='$appPool'].processModel.idleTimeout:$idleTimeout`""

Run-CommandWithConfiguredLogging $CommandAppCmd "set config /section:applicationPools `"/[name='$appPool'].recycling.periodicRestart.time:$periodicRestart`""


function Set-AutoConfigureRpcProxyForGlobalCatalogs([bool]$isEnabled = $true)


Set-RegistryValue `

'HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeServiceHostRpcHttpConfigurator' `

'ConfigureGCPorts' `

(@{$true=[int]1; $false=$null}[$isEnabled])


function Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck([bool]$isEnabled = $true)


# See for details on this setting.

# Disables NTLM loopback check that prevents NTLM authentication from

# succeeding against a local server if an FQDN was used to address it.

Set-RegistryValue `

'HKLM:SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa' `

'DisableLoopbackCheck' `

(@{$true=$null; $false=[int]1}[$isEnabled])



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