YaST2 error: (gnomesu): CRITICAL **: There are no services for 'libgnomesu' available.


一個關於SUSElinux10 的一個錯誤的解決辦法。

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Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2


When running YaST2 either from the GNOME or KDE panel or in a shell using the command 'yast2' the following error is experienced
** (gnomesu:7186): CRITICAL **: There are no services for 'libgnomesu' available.



Create /etc/permissions.local and state the permissions for the files that need to be adjusted.
  1. Create /etc/permissions.local with an editor
  2. State access permissions within the file in the following way:
    FILE (including full path) USER:GROUP PERMISSIONS, e.g.
    /usr/lib/libgnomesu/gnomesu-pam-backend  root:root 4755
  3. Save the file
  4. Run the command

    SuSEconfig --module permissions

    to activate the changes.

Alternative solution

Lower the file permissions to mode 'secure' with YaST2.

Additional Information

Root cause

This issue is caused by wrong access permissions of the file /opt/gnome/lib/libgnomesu/gnomesu-pam-backend. These are usually set to '-rwsr-xr-x' (note the 's' for SUID) or 4755 but in case the file permission have been altered and set to mode 'paranoid' using the YaST2 security module, the new settings will be '-rwxr-xr-x' or 0755.

Additional NotesPermissions stated in /etc/permissions.local are used for all security levels. If a certain permission should only be set when the system is in a special permissions mode, files in /etc/permissions.d/ are more suitable. Create them with a name like foo.paranoid and the settings will only be used when the system is set to have 'paranoid' file permissions. Same is valid for easy, local or secure mode.


Document ID:7000691
Creation Date:06-17-2008
Modified Date:12-24-2008
Novell Product:SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time
Novell Product:SUSE Linux Enterprise Server


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