session一直等待kksfbc child completion事件


HP-UX 11.31

Oracle RAC

其中一個session的等待事件一直為kksfbc child completion,查詢了一下,有可能是個BUG

Bug 6795880,相關的doc id為:6795880.8

A session may go into an infinite spin just after a wait for 'kksfbc child completion'. The spin occurs with a stack including kksSearchChildList -> kkshgnc where kksSearchChildList loops forever.
This problem can also lead to internal error such as any of
ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList1], ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList2]
ORA-600 [kksSearchChildList3], ORA-600 [kkshgnc-nextchild]
Fixes for this bug in 10g and 11gR1 are disabled by default.
To enable this fix you must explicitly set the following parameter for instance startup:
"_cursor_features_enabled" = 10

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