DBA Responsibilities(DBA職責,很詳細的說明了DBA的主要任務)
DBA Responsibilities:
* Installation, configuration and upgrading of Oracle server software and related products
* Evaluate Oracle features and Oracle related products
* Establish and maintain sound backup and recovery policies and procedures
* Take care of the Database design and implementation
* Implement and maintain database security (create and maintain users and roles, assign priveledges)
* Do database tuning and performance monitoring
* Do application tuning and performance monitoring
* Setup and maintain documentation and standards
* Plan growth and changes (capasity planning)
* Work as part of a team and provide 7x24 supportwhen required
* Do general technical trouble shooting and give consultation to development teams
* Interface with Oracle Corporation for technical support.
This is a pretty accurate description of Oracle DBA duties. The programming comes into play with the backup and recovery scripts. As for tuning, this is a huge thing in itself, and may contain programming responsibilities. Overall, a good knowledge of SQL is required. For a great discussion on this, see"Oracle8: A Beginners Guide" by Oracle Press.
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- Oracle DBA的職責Oracle
- DBA日常工作職責 - 我對DBA的七點建議
- oracle DBA 日常工作職責Oracle
- 2 Day DBA-介紹-日常Oracle DBA的任務Oracle
- DBA日常工作職責總結
- DBA的系統管理任務【轉】
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- Oracle DBA職責及日常工作分析Oracle
- 【原創】《Oracle DBA日常工作和職責》Oracle
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- dba_segments/dba_extents/dba_tables區別
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