Bug Fixes
- $compile: use createMap() for $$observe listeners when initialized from attr interpolation (8e28bb4c)
- $http:
- only parse as JSON when opening/closing brackets match (b9bdbe61,#10349, #10357)
- don't convert FormData objects to JSON (40258838,#10373)
- $parse: a chain of field accessors should use a single getterFn(c90ad968)
- ngRepeat: allow extra whitespaces in (key,value) part of micro-syntax (ef640cbc,#6827,#6833)
- orderBy: do not try to call valueOf/toString on null(a097aa95,#10385, #10386)
- $compile: add support for ng-attr with camelCased attributes (d8e37078,#9845, #10194)
- $http: pass response status code to data transform functions (1b740974,#10324, #6734,#10440)
- $rootScope: allow passing locals argument to $evalAsync(9b96cea4,#10390)
Performance Improvements
- $compile: only re-$interpolate attribute values at link time if changed since compile (9ae0c01c)
Breaking Changes
- orderBy: due to a097aa95,
Angular JS (Angular.JS) 是一組用來開發Web頁面的框架、模板以及資料繫結和豐富UI元件。它支援整個開發程式,提供web應用的架構,無需進行手工DOM操作。 AngularJS很小,只有60K,相容主流瀏覽器,與 jQuery 配合良好。