restore controlfile from autoback
RMAN> startup force nomount;
RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;[@more@]
RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
RMAN> alter database mount;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;[@more@]
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- recover database using backup controlfile理解Database
- guarantee restore points-Flashback after RMAN restoreREST
- canvas restore()CanvasREST
- Controlfile 重建控制檔案 noresetlogs, resetlogs..
- canvas save()和restore()CanvasREST
- 【12c】12c RMAN新特性之通過網路遠端恢復資料庫(RESTORE/Recover from Service)資料庫REST
- git操作之二:git restoreGitREST
- provider for back&restore app datyaIDERESTAPP
- [LeetCode] 93. Restore IP AddressesLeetCodeREST
- Oracle 11G 隱含引數“_controlfile_autobackup_delay”Oracle
- git restore極簡使用記錄GitREST
- Crunchy PostgreSQL database restore via pgo commandSQLDatabaseRESTGo
- Reboot Restore Rx Pro中文版bootREST
- python leetcode 93. Restore IP AddressesPythonLeetCodeREST
- [20190228]Backup Restore Throttle sleep.txtREST
- RMAN restore validate database報ORA-19693RESTDatabase
- From now on
- db2備份恢復(backup restore)DB2REST
- rman 還原歸檔日誌(restore archivelogRESTHive
- 神From不再 From Software的內憂與外患
- from cmake make
- Array.from()
- iptables報錯!iptables-restore unable to initialize table 'filterRESTFilter
- HowTo Restore RMAN Disk backups of RAC Database to Single Instance On Another NoRESTDatabase
- Extract rows from a CORRUPT table creating ROWID from DBA_EXTENTS
- SQLSERVER 2012從2000還原失敗:Restore of database failedSQLServerRESTDatabaseAI
- from bson import ObjectIdImportObject
- from selenium import webdriverImportWeb
- 7.96 FROM_TZ
- checkboxList operate in windows fromWindows
- PL/SQL package SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE version in TARGET database isSQLPackageRESTDatabase
- cdc目標端資料庫初始化(backup restore)資料庫REST
- image to/from base64
- G. Gifts from Knowledge
- get_data_from_yml
- learn from collection framework designFramework