本人是在資料庫遷移的時候出現00600 【2252】的錯誤
Connected to an idle instance.
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 581506668 bytes
Fixed Size 452204 bytes
Variable Size 402653184 bytes
Database Buffers 167772160 bytes
Redo Buffers 10629120 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2252], [1903], [579459841], [], [],
[], [], []
Subject: ORA-600 [2252] Occurs During Alter Database Open
Doc ID: Note:253977.1 Type: PROBLEM
Last Revision Date: 19-OCT-2004 Status: PUBLISHED
After shutdown of the database you receive the following error during
alter database open: ora-600 [2252]
You did not restore the database before receiving this error.
The system date is lower than the date of the shutdown.
While opening the database, Oracle compares the given SCN value
with the reasonable upper limit value calculated based on the
system date. If Oracle detects the provided scn is too large,
ORA-600[2252] would be raised.
Set the system date equal or higher the date of the shutdown.
解決辦法:檢查一下系統時間,先調整系統時間, 重啟應該就可以了
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