Oracle PLSQL Sever Pages Test

1 Creating a DAD
Edit the DAD configuration file ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf/dads.conf.

AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc
Alias /i/ "/MES/Mytest/"

SetHandler pls_handler
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
AllowOverride None
PlsqlDatabaseUsername scott
PlsqlDatabasePassword tiger
PlsqlDatabaseConnectString orcl
PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic

2 Configuration Files[@more@]2.1 plsql.conf
This file contains the LoadModule directive to load mod_plsql into Oracle HTTP Server, any global settings for mod_plsql, and include directives for dads.conf and cache.conf. This file is included by the Oracle HTTP Server configuration file ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf on UNIX or ORACLE_HOMEApacheApacheconforacle_apache.conf on Windows, which itself gets included in the primary Oracle HTTP Server configuration file httpd.conf.

#Directives needed for OraDAV module
include "/oracle/ias/fr/Apache/modplsql/conf/plsql.conf"

2.2 dads.conf(詳見官檔)
2.3 cache.conf(詳見官檔)

3.UpLoad PSP File

[oracle@mesap3 ~]$ loadpsp -replace -user scott/tiger@orcl HelloWorld.psp
"HelloWorld.psp": procedure "helloworld" created.
[oracle@mesap3 ~]$ cd TableReport/
[oracle@mesap3 TableReport]$ ls
ColBut.psp Error_Page.psp Readme.html TableReport.psp TabRep.psp
CreateQuery.psp Install.html TabBut.psp Tables.psp Title.psp
[oracle@mesap3 TableReport]$ loadpsp -replace -user scott/tiger@orcl Error_Page.psp *.psp
"Error_Page.psp": procedure "error_page" created.
"ColBut.psp": procedure "colbut" created.
"CreateQuery.psp": procedure "createquery" created.
"Error_Page.psp": procedure "error_page" created.
"TabBut.psp": procedure "tabbut" created.
"TableReport.psp": procedure "tablereport" created.
"Tables.psp": procedure "tables" created.
"TabRep.psp": procedure "tabrep" created.
"Title.psp": procedure "title" created.
[oracle@mesap3 ~]$ loadpsp -replace -user scott/tiger@orcl GetDBDateTime.psp
"GetDBDateTime.psp": procedure "getdbdatetime" created.


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