2010/10/25 誰吃香甜餅乾? Who Gets the Cookies?

10.25 誰吃香甜餅乾? Who Gets the Cookies?
Find it:How many cookies does Emma have?
[@more@]Answer:Emma have 45 cookies.

smell (v) 聞起來 That cake smells really good.
cookie (n) 餅乾 David eats cookies after lunch every day.
bake (v) 烘焙 Gwen bakes cookies every Friday.
warm (adj) 溫熱的 Max doesn't drink cold milk. He likes warm milk.

--&gtConversation A
Mmm, something smells really good.
Emma is making cookies.
Yes, I am.
Can we have some? They look delicious.
No, sorry. These are a special order.
Can we have just one?
Someone should taste them. They may not be good.
That's right. Something may be wrong with them.

--&gtConversation B
Well, maybe you didn't put sugar in them.
I never forget sugar.
Then maybe you didn't bake them long enough.
Tom, my cookies are Fine. I'm sure.
But we can taste them for your. Then you can be very sure.
Thanks, but no thanks.
How many cookies do you need for your special order?
I need 40.

--&gtConversation C
39, 40, 41, 42, 43... You have 45 cookies.
Then Tom and I can each have one. Please?
All right. You can each have one.
Mmm, this cookie is delicious! It is still warm. It is so sweet.
What do you think, Tom?
Well...I'm not sure. I need another one. Then I can be sure!

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