2010/10/13 餐館採訪記 Working in a Restaurant

Find it:What does the woman really like?[@more@]Answer:The woman really likes the tables and chairs.

special (n) 特餐 I'll have the daily special please.
boring (adj) 乏味的;令人生厭的 This movie is boring. I don't want to watch it.
washroom (n) 洗手間;廁所 Can you please tell me where the washroom is?
stand (v) 站立 Please stand; don't sit.
energy (n) 精力;能量 Karen uses a lot of energy when she exercises.

--&gtConversation A
Emma, thank you for meeting with me.
Thank you for coming.
I hear many great things about you and your restaurant. You're famous.
Well, I'm not as famous as you and your magazine.
So what do you do here at the Jungle Cafe?
I serve customers. I choose the daily specials. I cook, and I clean.
So you do everything!
Well, my job is never boring.

--&gtConversation B
But what don't you like about your job?
I don't really like cleaning the washrooms.
There are good things and bad things about every job.
You are right.
The Jungle Cafe is a unique restaurant.
Yes, I can work with animals.
They are not real animals of course.
I really like your tables and chairs.
Me too! Sitting on a tiger foot is fun.
But not a real tiger of course.

--&gtConversation C
Sitting down fells good. I usually stand all day.
You do need a lot of energy if you want to work here.
Yes, I do.
Hi, Emma. We just want to watch.
Are they your friends?
Yes, they are good customers and good friends.
Then let's take a picture!
Will the picture be in the magazine?
Maybe. Say "Jungle Cafe!"
Jungle Cafe!

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