2010/10/12 餐館探訪記 Working in a Rrestaurant

10.12 餐館探訪記 Working in a Rrestaurant
Find it:What was Tom late?
[@more@]Answer:Tom was late because he stopped at the Jungle Cafe.

wish (v) 祝,祝願 Yvonne wished me a good trip!
interview (v) 採訪,訪問 Sara interviewed a famous singer.
dish (n) 一道菜 Mom made a new dish for dinner.
order (v) 點餐 Are you ready to order your meal?

--&gtConversation A
Hi, Jack. I'm late, I'm sorry.
You are always late. Tom.
Not always, but I really am sorry.
Why are you late?
I had to stop at the Jungle Cafe.
I wanted to wish Emma good luck!
For what?
For her interview.
Emma is having an interview?

--&gtConversation B
Yes! A famous food magazine is interview her.
She's going to talk about working at the Jungle Cafe.
That's exciting.
It is!
Emma's picture will be in the magazine too.
Really! I'd like my picture in a magazine.
Emma will talk about serving customers.
Oh, Will she talk about me?
No, Why would she talk about you?

--&gtConversation C
I'm her favorite customer!
I don't think so.
She'll talk about working in a restaurant.
But I'm more interesting!
And she'll cook a special dish.
You can also order that dish at the Jungle Cafe today.
Tom, we have to go.
Go? Now?
Yes, we are going to the Jungle Cafe.
What about our plans?
We have new plans.

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