2010//11/24 11.24 好友共享美食 Good Food, Good Friends

11.24 好友共享美食 Good Food, Good Friends
Find it:What is Jack's favorite Thanksgiving dish?
[@more@]Answer:Jack's favorite Thanksgiving dish is stuffing.

deliver (n) 運送,傳送 The flower shop delivered flowers to my mom on her birthday.
pass (v) 傳遞;給 It something is too far from you, ask someone to pass it to you.
guest (n) 客人,來賓 There were 200 guests at Jeff and Faith's wedding.
dessert (n) 甜點 Would you like ice cream or cake for dessert?
meal (n) (一)餐 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

--&gtConversation A
Hi, friends! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Amy.
Did you bring your appetite?
I did, Mmm. Something smells wonderful.
I'm cooking some turkeys in the oven.
Well, they smell delicious, but where is the other food?
Some people will deliver the other food soon.
Will there be stuffing?
Of course!
Good. I love stuffing. It's my favorite Thanksgiving dish.
I especially love stuffing and gravy.

--&gtConversation B
Oh! I almost forgot.
Tom, can you pass me the gravy?
It's on the counter over there.
Sure. Here you go.
Thank you.
I forgot, what time is dinner?
The other guests should start arriving around 6:00
OK! Can I help do anything before they come?
You can help me put the food on the table when it arrives.
Sure! I can do that.

--&gtConversation C
I'm really looking forward to dessert.
I love pumpkin pie.
Will you be able to eat pumpkin pie after eating a big dinner?
Sure! I can always eat pie.
Thanks for coming tonight, friends.
No, problem! Thanks for inviting us.
Yeah! My family is coming tonight too, and my mom is exited.
She is? Why?
She can finally enjoy a Thanksgiving meal without doing any work!

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