2010/11/11 早餐吃什麼?What's for Breakfast?

11.11 早餐吃什麼?What's for Breakfast?
Find it:What did Amy but for Pam?
[@more@]Answer:Amy bought an English muffin with ham, agg and cheese for Pam.

ham (n) 火腿 Steve is eating a ham and cheese sandwich.
spread (v) 塗抹 Bella spreads grape jam on her bagel.
butter (n) 奶油 Melanie uses butter to make cookies.
toast (n) (烤)吐司 Amoid eats toast for breakfast.
bacon (n) 培根;烤燻肉 Bacon is meat. It is kind of pork.

--&gtConversation A
Hi, Amy!
Good morning, Pam.
Have you had breakfast yet?
Not, yet, but I'm really hungry.
Good, I bought breakfast for you today.
Wow! You did?
That's really sweet, Amy!
Thank you!
You're welcome.
What is it?
It's an English muffin with ham, agg and cheese.
Did you buy it at the Sandwich Shop?
Yes, I know you love their food!

--&gtConversation B
What about your breakfast?
I bought a bagel at Carl's Coffee.
You do that every morning, don't you?
Yes, on the days I work.
Do you put anything on your bagel?
Yes, I spread jam or butter on it.
I usually eat breakfast at home, but I woke up late today.
What do you usually eat?
I usually eat cereal, but sometimes I eat toast.

--&gtConversation C
Did you know that jason has never eaten cold cereal?
What? No way!
Cereal isn't an Asian food.
Maybe that's way he hasn't tried it.
So what does he eat for breakfast here?
He eats a lot of meat. He loves bacon and eggs.
I like bacon too, but cereal is so good.
I really hope Jeason will try it!
You should ask him about it.
I will.

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