ZT - 怎樣提高呼叫數學函式的程式的效能(6)


下面是一個用於計時 DFT 程式碼的 Fortran 驅動器程式。

  program main
      subroutine dft(x,a,phi,n)
      real*8 x(n),a(n),phi(n)
      integer n
      end subroutine
      subroutine init(a,n)
      real*8 a(n)
      integer n
      end subroutine
      subroutine consume(a,b,c)
      real*8 a(*),b(*),c(*)
      end subroutine
    end interface

    ! Parameters:
    !   nmax is the problem size.
    !   nrep is the number of repetitions of the
    !        problem. This should be chosen so that
    !        the elapsed time is long enough to give
    !        sufficient timing resolution.
    !   cyc is the clock frequency in Hz for the
    !       processor that the program is to be run on.
    !       (Can be found from AIX command pmcycles.)
    integer, parameter :: nmax=1000
    integer, parameter :: nrep=100
    real*8, parameter :: cyc=4704000000.d0

    real*8 x(nmax), a(nmax), phi(nmax)
    real*8 tx, ty, accum, del(4)
    intrinsic sin, sqrt
    real*8 rtc

    acc = 0.d0
    do k=1,nrep
      call init(x,nmax)
      call dft(x,a,phi,nmax)
      call consume(x,a,phi)
      do j=1,nmax
        acc = acc + a(j) + phi(j)
      end do
      del(4) = del(4) + (ty-tx)
    end do
    del(1) = del(4)/real(nmax,8)
    del(2) = del(1)/real(nrep,8)
    del(3) = cyc*del(2)
    print *,'acc=',acc/real(nrep,8),' n=',nmax,
 &    ' r=',nrep, ' a=',del(1),' b=',del(2),
 &    ' c=',del(3),' w=',del(4)
  end program

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/16896827/viewspace-1036479/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
