oracle & NFS & backup & event & 10298


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From Oracle 10G R2 , Oracle checks the options with which a NFS mount is mounted on the filesystem. and this is done to ensure that no corruption of the database can happen as incorrectly mounted NFS volumes can result in data corruption.

There are no single set of NFS mount options that work across all Oracle platforms
Please ensure that you have the proper mount options specified by the NAS vendor /Vendor user guide

The exact checks used for an NFS mounted disk vary between platforms but in general the basic checks will include the following checks

a) The mount table (eg; /etc/mnttab) can be read to check the mount options
b) The NFS mount is mounted with the "hard" option
c) The mount options include rsize>=32768 and wsize>=32768
d) For RAC environments, where NFS disks are supported, the "noac" mount option is used.

Please refer the section -- NFS Mount Options in Oracle® Database Installation Guide10g Release 2 (10.2)
If you have ensured that the mount options are appropriate and still getting the errors then you are encountering symptoms as in Bug 5146667 Fixed In Ver: 11.0. 0.0

分析metalink相關文件,可以得出這個問題影響所有平臺,NFSmount引數可以參考文件提出的rsize=32k, wsize=32k, hard, actimeo=0 。



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