which files you mean ?
if you say for Patch 14, as per my knowledge pdb files are only for debugging purposes.
from what SAP Note 503115 says
The SAP Service Marketplace contains, in addition to the actual Support Package file for the SAP GUI (for example, GUI610.EXE), another file with a “pdb” extension (for example, 610_PDB.EXE).
The PDB file is ONLY required when requested by SAP Support (it contains important debugging information for SAP GUI “crashes”). The OSS message issued with each problem contains more information on how to handle the PDB file.
you do not need to install them, either you can copy them into SAP GUI directory.
if you say for Patch 14, as per my knowledge pdb files are only for debugging purposes.
from what SAP Note 503115 says
The SAP Service Marketplace contains, in addition to the actual Support Package file for the SAP GUI (for example, GUI610.EXE), another file with a “pdb” extension (for example, 610_PDB.EXE).
The PDB file is ONLY required when requested by SAP Support (it contains important debugging information for SAP GUI “crashes”). The OSS message issued with each problem contains more information on how to handle the PDB file.
you do not need to install them, either you can copy them into SAP GUI directory.
[@more@]來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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