InnoDB Plugin has been upgraded to version 1.0.8


InnoDB Plugin has been upgraded to version 1.0.8

目前能看到的plugin本身的改進並不多,不知道正式釋出後的change log list能有多長。對於選擇plugin版本的使用者而言,希望percona&google&facebook這些分支所提供的一些優秀的patch,能夠儘快經過innodb的測試認可,這樣大家可以在收到效能收益的時候,也能更加安心的使用,個人而言是把innodb作為穩定性測試的最後一道卡。

InnoDB stores redo log records in a hash table during recovery. On 64-bit systems, this hash table was 1/8 of the buffer pool size. To reduce memory usage, the dimension of the hash table was reduced to 1/64 of the buffer pool size (or 1/128 on 32-bit systems). ()

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