監視 SQL Server 2000 阻塞
• | 開始時間(視執行 SQL Server 的計算機而定),以便此阻塞取樣在時間上可以與其他效能資訊(如 Microsoft Windows NT 效能監視器日誌或 SQL 事件探查器日誌)一致。 |
• | 有關與 SQL Server 的連線的資訊,透過查詢“sysprocesses”系統表獲取。 |
• | 有關鎖定資源的資訊,透過查詢“syslockinfo”系統表獲取。 |
• | 有關資源等待的資訊,透過執行 DBCC SQLPERF(WAITSTATS) 獲取。 |
• | 用於連線(被其他連線阻塞或者阻塞其他連線)的當前正在執行的 SQL Server 批處理,透過執行 DBCC INPUTBUFFER 語句獲取。 |
• | 結束時間,視執行 SQL Server 的計算機而定。 |
• | 除非至少有一個連線在等待資源,否則不生成輸出。 |
• | 直接查詢“master”資料庫中的“sysprocesses”和“syslockinfo”系統表,以提高效能並防止此儲存過程被阻塞。因此,此儲存過程是特定於 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 的。 |
• | 使用游標建立一個小工作表來獲取 DBCC INPUTBUFFER 輸出,這對在“tempdb”資料庫中的使用應沒有太大的影響。 |
• | 由於收集資訊時阻塞可以更改,因此存在一種快速模式,該模式可將所得到的結果降至“sysprocesses”和“syslockinfo”系統表的相關行,從而提高了效能。 |
• | 如果您試圖跟蹤非鎖定資源等待,則存在一種鎖存模式,該模式可導致鎖定輸出被忽略。 |
此儲存過程從任何查詢工具執行都十分有用。但是,Microsoft 建議您按照下列步驟來執行阻塞分析:
1. 當使用對計劃要監視的 SQL Server 伺服器或 SQL Server 例項具有“sysadmin”特權的登入資訊進行連線時,從任何查詢工具建立儲存過程“sp_blocker_pss80”(在本文末尾提供)。
2. 建立一個包含以下查詢的指令碼檔案以迴圈執行該儲存過程。請注意,延遲應在 5 秒和 60 秒之間:
EXEC master.dbo.sp_blocker_pss80
-- Or for fast mode
-- EXEC master.dbo.sp_blocker_pss80 @fast=1
-- Or for latch mode
-- EXEC master.dbo.sp_blocker_pss80 @latch=1
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:15'
3. 此輸出在與 Microsoft Windows NT 效能監視器日誌和 SQL 事件探查器日誌結合時非常有用,因此建議同時建立這兩種日誌。有關要捕獲哪些事件探查器和效能監視器事件的資訊,以及有關如何解釋結果的資訊,請參見以下 Microsoft 知識庫文章:
224453 () INF:瞭解和解決 SQL Server 7.0 或 2000 阻塞問題
4. 在執行 SQL Server 的計算機(您要對其進行監視以防止網路問題導致查詢工具斷開連線)上,在 Windows 命令提示符處從 Isql.exe 或 Osql.exe 查詢工具執行在步驟 2 中建立的指令碼檔案。下面是可用於啟動 Osql.exe 的示例命令列,它假定客戶端從執行 SQL Server 的計算機執行,並且指令碼檔名為 Checkblk.sql。請務必更正 -S 引數,並將“server”替換為 SQL Server 伺服器的名稱(如果您監視的是命名例項,則替換為“servernameinstance”)。此外,還必須更正 -i 引數,並將“checkblk.sql”替換為在步驟 2 中建立的指令碼檔案的路徑和名稱。
osql -E -Sserver -icheckblk.sql -ocheckblk.out -w2000
• 為了防止輸出檔案中出現換行(換行可使輸出檔案更易於閱讀)。
• 為了將輸出傳送到使用 -o 引數指定的檔案,而不是傳送到螢幕,以便在查詢工具出現問題時,在查詢工具失敗之前仍得到輸出。
下面是用於建立“sp_blocker_pss80”儲存過程的指令碼: 注意:在 SQL Server 2005 中,您可以配合使用 SQL 事件探查器中的“Blocked Process Report”事件類和“sp_configure”命令來配置“阻塞的程式閾值”選項。
/* Note: This script is meant to have 2 creations of the same stored procedure and one of them will fail with either 207 errors or a 2714 error. */ use master GO if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_blocker_pss80') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.sp_blocker_pss80 GO create procedure dbo.sp_blocker_pss80 (@latch int = 0, @fast int = 1, @appname sysname='PSSDIAG') as --version 16SP3 if is_member('sysadmin')=0 begin print 'Must be a member of the sysadmin group in order to run this procedure' return end set nocount on SET LANGUAGE 'us_english' declare @spid varchar(6) declare @blocked varchar(6) declare @time datetime declare @time2 datetime declare @dbname nvarchar(128) declare @status sql_variant declare @useraccess sql_variant set @time = getdate() declare @probclients table(spid smallint, ecid smallint, blocked smallint, waittype binary(2), dbid smallint, ignore_app tinyint, primary key (blocked, spid, ecid)) insert @probclients select spid, ecid, blocked, waittype, dbid, case when convert(varchar(128),hostname) = @appname then 1 else 0 end from sysprocesses where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000 if exists (select spid from @probclients where ignore_app != 1 or waittype != 0x020B) begin set @time2 = getdate() print '' print '8.2 Start time: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,@time2)) insert @probclients select distinct blocked, 0, 0, 0x0000, 0, 0 from @probclients where blocked not in (select spid from @probclients) and blocked != 0 if (@fast = 1) begin print '' print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion) select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype, waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io, memusage, last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121), login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121),net_address, net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess, loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid, sql_handle, stmt_start, stmt_end from master..sysprocesses where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000 or spid in (select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) or spid in (select spid from @probclients where blocked != 0) print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) print '' print 'SYSPROC FIRST PASS' select spid, ecid, waittype from @probclients where waittype != 0x0000 if exists(select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) begin print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains' select spid from @probclients where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from @probclients where spid != 0) if @latch = 0 begin print 'SYSLOCKINFO' select @time2 = getdate() select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid), ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid), rsc_dbid As dbid, rsc_objid As ObjId, rsc_indid As IndId, Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL' when 2 then 'DB' when 3 then 'FIL' when 4 then 'IDX' when 5 then 'TAB' when 6 then 'PAG' when 7 then 'KEY' when 8 then 'EXT' when 9 then 'RID' when 10 then 'APP' end, Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16), Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL when 2 then 'Sch-S' when 3 then 'Sch-M' when 4 then 'S' when 5 then 'U' when 6 then 'X' when 7 then 'IS' when 8 then 'IU' when 9 then 'IX' when 10 then 'SIU' when 11 then 'SIX' when 12 then 'UIX' when 13 then 'BU' when 14 then 'RangeS-S' when 15 then 'RangeS-U' when 16 then 'RangeIn-Null' when 17 then 'RangeIn-S' when 18 then 'RangeIn-U' when 19 then 'RangeIn-X' when 20 then 'RangeX-S' when 21 then 'RangeX-U' when 22 then 'RangeX-X'end, Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT' when 2 then 'CNVT' when 3 then 'WAIT' end, req_transactionID As TransID, req_transactionUOW As TransUOW from master.dbo.syslockinfo s, @probclients p where p.spid = s.req_spid print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) end -- latch not set end else print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' end -- fast set else begin -- Fast not set print '' print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion) select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype, waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io, memusage, last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121), login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121),net_address, net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess, loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid, sql_handle, stmt_start, stmt_end from master..sysprocesses print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) print '' print 'SYSPROC FIRST PASS' select spid, ecid, waittype from @probclients where waittype != 0x0000 if exists(select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) begin print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains' select spid from @probclients where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from @probclients where spid != 0) if @latch = 0 begin print 'SYSLOCKINFO' select @time2 = getdate() select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid), ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid), rsc_dbid As dbid, rsc_objid As ObjId, rsc_indid As IndId, Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL' when 2 then 'DB' when 3 then 'FIL' when 4 then 'IDX' when 5 then 'TAB' when 6 then 'PAG' when 7 then 'KEY' when 8 then 'EXT' when 9 then 'RID' when 10 then 'APP' end, Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16), Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL when 2 then 'Sch-S' when 3 then 'Sch-M' when 4 then 'S' when 5 then 'U' when 6 then 'X' when 7 then 'IS' when 8 then 'IU' when 9 then 'IX' when 10 then 'SIU' when 11 then 'SIX' when 12 then 'UIX' when 13 then 'BU' when 14 then 'RangeS-S' when 15 then 'RangeS-U' when 16 then 'RangeIn-Null' when 17 then 'RangeIn-S' when 18 then 'RangeIn-U' when 19 then 'RangeIn-X' when 20 then 'RangeX-S' when 21 then 'RangeX-U' when 22 then 'RangeX-X'end, Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT' when 2 then 'CNVT' when 3 then 'WAIT' end, req_transactionID As TransID, req_transactionUOW As TransUOW from master.dbo.syslockinfo print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) end -- latch not set end else print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' end -- Fast not set print 'DBCC SQLPERF(WAITSTATS)' dbcc sqlperf(waitstats) Print '' Print '*********************************************************************' Print 'Print out DBCC Input buffer for all blocked or blocking spids.' Print '*********************************************************************' declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for select distinct cast (spid as varchar(6)) as spid from @probclients where (spid <> @@spid) and ((blocked!=0 or (waittype != 0x0000 and ignore_app = 0)) or spid in (select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0)) open ibuffer fetch next from ibuffer into @spid while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin print '' print 'DBCC INPUTBUFFER FOR SPID ' + @spid exec ('dbcc inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')') fetch next from ibuffer into @spid end deallocate ibuffer Print '' Print '*******************************************************************************' Print 'Print out DBCC OPENTRAN for active databases for all blocked or blocking spids.' Print '*******************************************************************************' declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for select distinct cast (dbid as varchar(6)) from @probclients where dbid != 0 open ibuffer fetch next from ibuffer into @spid while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin print '' set @dbname = db_name(@spid) set @status = DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'Status') set @useraccess = DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'UserAccess') print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID ' + @spid + ' ['+ @dbname + ']' if @Status = N'ONLINE' and @UserAccess != N'SINGLE_USER' dbcc opentran(@dbname) else print 'Skipped: Status=' + convert(nvarchar(128),@status) + ' UserAccess=' + convert(nvarchar(128),@useraccess) print '' if @spid = '2' select @blocked = 'Y' fetch next from ibuffer into @spid end deallocate ibuffer if @blocked != 'Y' begin print '' print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID 2 [tempdb]' dbcc opentran ('tempdb') end print 'End time: ' + convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 121) end -- All else print '8 No Waittypes: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,getdate())) + ' ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') GO create procedure dbo.sp_blocker_pss80 (@latch int = 0, @fast int = 1, @appname sysname='PSSDIAG') as --version 16 if is_member('sysadmin')=0 begin print 'Must be a member of the sysadmin group in order to run this procedure' return end set nocount on declare @spid varchar(6) declare @blocked varchar(6) declare @time datetime declare @time2 datetime declare @dbname nvarchar(128) declare @status sql_variant declare @useraccess sql_variant set @time = getdate() declare @probclients table(spid smallint, ecid smallint, blocked smallint, waittype binary(2), dbid smallint, ignore_app tinyint, primary key (blocked, spid, ecid)) insert @probclients select spid, ecid, blocked, waittype, dbid, case when convert(varchar(128),hostname) = @appname then 1 else 0 end from sysprocesses where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000 if exists (select spid from @probclients where ignore_app != 1 or waittype != 0x020B) begin set @time2 = getdate() print '' print '8 Start time: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,@time2)) insert @probclients select distinct blocked, 0, 0, 0x0000, 0, 0 from @probclients where blocked not in (select spid from @probclients) and blocked != 0 if (@fast = 1) begin print '' print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion) select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype, waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io, memusage,last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121), login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121), net_address, net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess, loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid from master..sysprocesses where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000 or spid in (select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) or spid in (select spid from @probclients where waittype != 0x0000) print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) print '' print 'SYSPROC FIRST PASS' select spid, ecid, waittype from @probclients where waittype != 0x0000 if exists(select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) begin print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains' select spid from @probclients where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from @probclients where spid != 0) if @latch = 0 begin print 'SYSLOCKINFO' select @time2 = getdate() select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid), ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid), rsc_dbid As dbid, rsc_objid As ObjId, rsc_indid As IndId, Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL' when 2 then 'DB' when 3 then 'FIL' when 4 then 'IDX' when 5 then 'TAB' when 6 then 'PAG' when 7 then 'KEY' when 8 then 'EXT' when 9 then 'RID' when 10 then 'APP' end, Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16), Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL when 2 then 'Sch-S' when 3 then 'Sch-M' when 4 then 'S' when 5 then 'U' when 6 then 'X' when 7 then 'IS' when 8 then 'IU' when 9 then 'IX' when 10 then 'SIU' when 11 then 'SIX' when 12 then 'UIX' when 13 then 'BU' when 14 then 'RangeS-S' when 15 then 'RangeS-U' when 16 then 'RangeIn-Null' when 17 then 'RangeIn-S' when 18 then 'RangeIn-U' when 19 then 'RangeIn-X' when 20 then 'RangeX-S' when 21 then 'RangeX-U' when 22 then 'RangeX-X'end, Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT' when 2 then 'CNVT' when 3 then 'WAIT' end, req_transactionID As TransID, req_transactionUOW As TransUOW from master.dbo.syslockinfo s, @probclients p where p.spid = s.req_spid print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) end -- latch not set end else print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' end -- fast set else begin -- Fast not set print '' print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion) select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype, waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io, memusage,last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121), login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121), net_address, net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess, loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid from master..sysprocesses print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) print '' print 'SYSPROC FIRST PASS' select spid, ecid, waittype from @probclients where waittype != 0x0000 if exists(select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0) begin print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains' select spid from @probclients where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from @probclients where spid != 0) if @latch = 0 begin print 'SYSLOCKINFO' select @time2 = getdate() select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid), ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid), rsc_dbid As dbid, rsc_objid As ObjId, rsc_indid As IndId, Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL' when 2 then 'DB' when 3 then 'FIL' when 4 then 'IDX' when 5 then 'TAB' when 6 then 'PAG' when 7 then 'KEY' when 8 then 'EXT' when 9 then 'RID' when 10 then 'APP' end, Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16), Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL when 2 then 'Sch-S' when 3 then 'Sch-M' when 4 then 'S' when 5 then 'U' when 6 then 'X' when 7 then 'IS' when 8 then 'IU' when 9 then 'IX' when 10 then 'SIU' when 11 then 'SIX' when 12 then 'UIX' when 13 then 'BU' when 14 then 'RangeS-S' when 15 then 'RangeS-U' when 16 then 'RangeIn-Null' when 17 then 'RangeIn-S' when 18 then 'RangeIn-U' when 19 then 'RangeIn-X' when 20 then 'RangeX-S' when 21 then 'RangeX-U' when 22 then 'RangeX-X'end, Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT' when 2 then 'CNVT' when 3 then 'WAIT' end, req_transactionID As TransID, req_transactionUOW As TransUOW from master.dbo.syslockinfo print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate())) end -- latch not set end else print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) print '' end -- Fast not set print 'DBCC SQLPERF(WAITSTATS)' dbcc sqlperf(waitstats) Print '' Print '*********************************************************************' Print 'Print out DBCC Input buffer for all blocked or blocking spids.' Print '*********************************************************************' declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for select distinct cast (spid as varchar(6)) as spid from @probclients where (spid <> @@spid) and ((blocked!=0 or (waittype != 0x0000 and ignore_app = 0)) or spid in (select blocked from @probclients where blocked != 0)) open ibuffer fetch next from ibuffer into @spid while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin print '' print 'DBCC INPUTBUFFER FOR SPID ' + @spid exec ('dbcc inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')') fetch next from ibuffer into @spid end deallocate ibuffer Print '' Print '*******************************************************************************' Print 'Print out DBCC OPENTRAN for active databases for all blocked or blocking spids.' Print '*******************************************************************************' declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for select distinct cast (dbid as varchar(6)) from @probclients where dbid != 0 open ibuffer fetch next from ibuffer into @spid while (@@fetch_status != -1) begin print '' set @dbname = db_name(@spid) set @status = DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'Status') set @useraccess = DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'UserAccess') print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID ' + @spid + ' ['+ @dbname + ']' if @Status = N'ONLINE' and @UserAccess != N'SINGLE_USER' dbcc opentran(@dbname) else print 'Skipped: Status=' + convert(nvarchar(128),@status) + ' UserAccess=' + convert(nvarchar(128),@useraccess) print '' if @spid = '2' select @blocked = 'Y' fetch next from ibuffer into @spid end deallocate ibuffer if @blocked != 'Y' begin print '' print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID 2 [tempdb]' dbcc opentran ('tempdb') end print 'End time: ' + convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 121) end -- All else print '8 No Waittypes: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,getdate())) + ' ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') GO
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