Oracle XA Exception error code

case 7:
return "The transaction branch has been heuristically committed.";
case 8: /
return "The transaction branch may have been heuristically completed.";
case 5:
return "The transaction branch has been heuristically committed and rolled back.";
case 6:
return "The transaction branch has been heuristically rolled back.";
case 9:
return "Resumption must occur where suspension occured.";
case 100:
return "The inclusive lower bound oof the rollback codes.";
case 101:
return "Rollback was caused by communication failure.";
case 102:
return "A deadlock was detected.";
case 107:
return "The inclusive upper bound of the rollback error code.";
case 103:
return "A condition that violates the integrity of the resource was detected.";
case 104:
return "The resource manager rolled back the transaction branch for a reason not on this list.";
case 105:
return "A protocol error occured in the resource manager.";
case 106:
return "A transaction branch took too long.";
case 3:
return "The transaction branch has been read-only and has been committed.";
case 4:
return "Routine returned with no effect and may be reissued.";
case -2:
return "Asynchronous operation already outstanding.";
case -8:
return "The XID already exists.";
case -5:
return "Invalid arguments were given.";
case -4:
return "The XID is not valid.";
case -9:
return "The resource manager is doing work outside global transaction.";
case -6:
return "Routine was invoked in an inproper context.";
case -3:
return "A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch.";
case -7:
return "Resource manager is unavailable.";
return "Internal XA Error";
[@more@]Oracle transaction XA Exception error Code

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
