Indexing Mixed-Character Set Columns


Gist: must idicate the charset for different charset document


A mixed character set column is one that stores documents of different character sets. For example, a text table might store some documents in WE8ISO8859P1 and others in UTF8.

To index a table of documents in different character sets, you must create your base table with a character set column. In this column, you specify the document character set on a per-row basis. To index the documents, Oracle converts the documents into the database character set.

Character set conversion works with the CHARSET_FILTER. When the charset column is NULL or not recognized, Oracle assumes the source character set is the one specified in the charset attribute.


Character set conversion also works with the INSO_FILTER when the document format column is set to TEXT.

Indexing Mixed-Character Set Example

For example, create the table with a charset column:

create table hdocs (
     id number primary key,
     fmt varchar2(10),
     cset varchar2(20),
     text varchar2(80)

Insert plain-text documents and name the character set:

insert into hdocs values(1, 'text', 'WE8ISO8859P1', '/docs/iso.txt');
insert in hdocs values (2, 'text', 'UTF8', '/docs/utf8.txt');

Create the index and name the charset column:

create index hdocsx on hdocs(text) indextype is ctxsys.context
  parameters ('datastore ctxsys.file_datastore 
  filter ctxsys.charset_filter 
  format column fmt
  charset column cset');

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
