轉:How is Internat Bank going?


What's Internat Bank?
Internate Bank is a Bank that the customers do their transaction on the internate!

Why do i use the Internate Bank?
Because it makes our's life and work more efficient and more convenient!

How to use the Internate Bank?
You must be able to connect to the internate!

When can i use the Internat Bank?
Anytime you like!

Where can i use the Internat Bank?
Anywhere you can get on line!

Does Internat Bank secure?
If you have a digital certificate from CA,then that should be very secure,otherwise,it
will be insecure and unreliable.

Is Internat Bank popular?
Not really,althrough the Internat Bank has been working for many years and even

the expects declared that digital certificate is secure enough to work,but most of
people don't believe them.Actually,i think the Internat Bank won't be popular in a
coming decade.

Who need the Internat Bank?
The one who are so busy that he has no time to go to the bank.

Which is the bottlenect preventing the Internat Bank from working widely?
Frist,the technology goes before the application,Internat Bank must be used at home,but internat environment is poor recently.
Second,the usage of Internat Bank is relative complex,most of people have no idea
of security knowledge,don't suppose everyone is computer skiller.
Last,the Internat Bank is not so much exciting,many people think it's not necessary to
use Internat Bank.



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