rac 2nodes asm aix6.1 orarootagent.bin swap memory記憶體洩漏

aix 6.1
rac(2nodes) + asm
現象:rac os 無響應,檢視crs asm db 的alert log 均無明顯異常。
症狀:orarootagent.bin 程式消耗了近40g swap memory。幾乎耗盡全部交換分割槽
metalink 參考:
ORAAGENT or ORAROOTAGENT High Resource (CPU, Memory etc) Usage [ID 1062676.1]
Bug 9855476 - aix:cssd/ohasd may coredump, or orarootagent/gipcd may leak memory [ID 9855476.8]
下面說明了 導致了記憶體洩漏,觀察發現每個節點的orarootagent.bin 程式每天增加約220M記憶體左右
gipcd.bin or orarootagent.bin process may leak process memory.
Huge memory consumption by these processes may cause other processes
such as cssd.bin or ohasd.bin to be unable to allocate memory and crash.
Rediscovery Notes:
If the following are true, you might be hitting this problem.
- Platform is IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
- Process memory is steadily increasing in oraagent.bin process
or gipcd.bin process. There is a report that oraagent.bin
process increased about 4KB to 8KB memory every 15 seconds.
解決辦法:打補丁升級到>,或者定期kill orarootagent.bin程式
It's recommended to apply latest patch set or PSU. But if patches are unavailable or can not be applied, the workaround is to kill agent process during off peak hour. There should be no impact as agent will be respawn automatically.
To kill agent process with pid 7242: kill -9 7242
找到orarootagent.bin 程式 ,並kill掉,該程式會自動重啟,並不影響rac執行
ps -ef|grep orarootagent
kill -9 2163012
ps -ef|grep 12845336

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70612/viewspace-1057322/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
