[RAC]ORACLE Database 10g RAC for Administrators學習筆記(五)


9.Oracle Clusterware Administration

Oracle Clusterware: Overview

Portable cluster infrastructure that provides HA to RAC databases and/or other applications:

Monitors applications’ health - 監控應用執行情況

Restarts applications on failure - 重啟失敗的應用

Can fail over applications on node failure - 將應用failover到其他節點

Oracle Clusterware Run-Time View

Unix平臺上,clusterware stack的啟動是根據/etc/inittab檔案中定義的respawn條目

A basic description of each process:

Cluster Synchronization Services Daemon (OCSSD) - 透過network interconnectvoting disk實現節點間的健康監控,一旦發現異常,則重啟問題節點以避免發生data corruptionsplit brain。由oracle使用者執行,vendornonvendor clusterware情況下都使用。

Process Monitor Daemon (OPROCD) - nonvendor情況下生成,以root執行,用於檢測機器硬體或驅動層面的freezeLinuxwindows上使用kernel driver(如hangcheck-timer)來取代這個程式的作用。

Cluster Ready Services Daemon (CRSD) - Oracle Clusterware高可用的核心,負責管理註冊應用的startstopmonitorfailoverCRS為每個例項起一個專用的RACGIMON程式負責監控各應用的執行情況,CRSD進行負責管理OCR中的各資源的配置及狀態。以root使用者執行,在程式失敗後自動重啟。此外,CRSD還可臨時生成以下程式來執行某些操作:

- racgeut (Execute Under Timer), to kill actions that do not complete after a certain amount of time

- racgmdb (Manage Database), to start/stop/check instances

- racgchsn (Change Service Name), to add/delete/check service names for instances

- racgons, to add/remove ONS configuration to OCR

- racgvip, to start/stop/check instance virtual IP

Event Management Daemon (EVMD) - 負責事件發生時event的傳送,會生成一個evmlogger的永久進行,並在需要時生成racgevtf程式來執行callouts。以oracle使用者執行,程式失敗後自動重啟。

Manually Control Oracle Clusterware Stack

# crsctl stop crs

# crsctl start crs

# crsctl disable crs

# crsctl enable crs


CRS Resources

CRS管理的應用被成為resource。它的profile及相關屬性存放在OCR中。Profile中的屬性包含Check intervalAction scriptDependenciesFailure policiesPrivileges等。每個resource必須擁有action script,其中必須包含startstopcheck操作。


建立或修改profilecrs_profile -> resource註冊到OCR中(crs_register->啟動(crs_start ->檢視狀態(crs_stat->重新分配到其他節點(crs_relocate->停止(crs_stop->取消註冊(crs_unregister

RAC Resources

可使用crs_stat –t來檢視各resource的執行情況。在預設情況下,Oracle Clusterware管理的resouce包括databasesdatabase and asm instancesVIP/ONS/GSD/Listener(統稱為nodeapps)、servicesservice members等。

當某個resoucestateunknown時,可使用crs_stop –f resoucename命令強行終止。

可使用crs_stat –p resourcename來檢視某個resouce的各項屬性。

Main Voting Disk Function

CSS使用private networkvoting disk來管理節點的驅逐策略。各節點間透過彼此的心跳來檢測各個節點是否處於正常狀態。當節點間的網路連線出現問題時,各節點透過voting disk來交換狀態資訊,從而決定哪個節點需要被驅逐。被驅逐的節點從voting disk接收到驅逐資訊後自行重啟。

在資料庫各例項間也有類似機制。有時在各節點間網路正常的情況下也需要驅逐某個例項(被稱為Instance Membership Reconfiguration (IMR)),這一功能透過控制檔案來實現。

Important CSS Parameters

MISSCOUNT: - 網路心跳超時以及reconfiguration時的磁碟I/O超時

Represents network heartbeat timeouts

Determines disk I/O timeouts during reconfiguration

Defaults to 30 seconds (60 for Linux)

Defaults to 600 when using vendor (non-Oracle) clusterware

Should not be changed

DISKTIMEOUT: - reconfiguration時的磁碟I/O超時,可臨時修改

Represents disk I/O timeouts outside reconfiguration

Defaults to 200 seconds

Can be temporarily changed when experiencing very long I/O latencies to voting disks:

1. Shut down Oracle Clusterware on all nodes but one.

2. As root on available node, use: crsctl set css disktimeout M+1

3. Reboot available node.

4. Restart all other nodes.

Multiplexing Voting Disks

Voting disk如要作冗餘,則至少要三份。

使用以下公式決定冗餘度:v=f*2+1 - v代表voting disk的個數,f代表可以容忍的問題磁碟個數。

Change Voting Disk Configuration

# crsctl add css votedisk

# crsctl delete css votedisk

# crsctl add css votedisk -force

# crsctl delete css votedisk -force

OU教材上說可以動態增加或刪除voting disk的副本,但在linux上實驗沒有成功。實驗中只能透過加force選項完成。命令執行前必須停止clusterware

Back Up and Recover Your Voting Disks

由於voting disk的路徑配置在OCR中,難以直接修改,因此推薦使用link檔案,使得當原始路徑不可用時能較容易地恢復。

Back up one voting disk by using the dd command. 使用dd命令進行備份,可聯機備份。

After Oracle Clusterware installation

After node addition or deletion

Can be done online

$ crsctl query css votedisk

$ dd if= of= bs=4k

OCR Architecture

OCR記錄了叢集的配置資訊。在叢集中的每個節點上,都有一份OCR的複製保留在記憶體中,同時有一個CRSD程式對OCR cache進行訪問。但只有一個CRSD程式實際地讀取和修改OCR檔案。該進行負責重新整理所在節點以及其他節點上的OCR cache。當本地可戶端需要讀取OCR的資訊時,直接和本地的CRS程式進行互動並讀取。當客戶端需要修改OCR時,它們透過本地的CRS程式,與負責修改OCRCRS程式進行通訊並完成修改。



OCR Contents and Organization


The main branches composing the OCR structure:

The SYSTEM keys - 儲存Oracle Clusterware程式(CSSDCRSDEVMD等)相關的資料。

The DATABASE keys - 儲存RAC dbinstancenodeappsservices等)相關資料。

The CRS keys - 儲存其他註冊應用的相關資料。

Managing OCR Files and Locations: Overview



Upgrade/downgrade OCR


使用-replace ocr/ocrmirror來增加、修改或刪除OCROCR鏡象

Oracle support的支援下,在一個或多個節點由於OCR corruption無法啟動時,使用-overwrite命令修改OCR保護機制


ocrcheck - 驗證OCR及鏡象的完整性

ocrdump - OCR內容dump成文字或XML檔案

Automatic OCR Backups





修改預設備份路徑:# ocrconfig –backuploc /shared/bak

Back Up OCR Manually

Daily backups of your automatic OCR backups to a different storage device:

Use your favorite backup tool.

Logical backups of your OCR before and after making significant changes:

# ocrconfig –export file name

Make sure that you restore OCR backups that match your current system configuration.

Recover OCR Using Physical Backups

1. Locate a physical backup:

$ ocrconfig –showbackup

2. Review its contents:

# ocrdump –backupfile file_name

3. Stop Oracle Clusterware on all nodes:

# crsctl stop crs

4. Restore the physical OCR backup:

# ocrconfig –restore /cdata/jfv_clus/day.ocr

5. Restart Oracle Clusterware on all nodes:

# crsctl start crs

6. Check OCR integrity:

$ cluvfy comp ocr -n all

Recover OCR Using Logical Backups

1. Locate a logical backup created using an OCR export.

2. Stop Oracle Clusterware on all nodes.

3. Restore the logical OCR backup:

# ocrconfig –import /shared/export/ocrback.dmp

4. Restart Oracle Clusterware on all nodes.

5. Check OCR integrity:

$ cluvfy comp ocr -n all

Replace an OCR Mirror: Example

# ocrconfig –replace ocrmirror /oradata/OCR2


Repair OCR Configuration: Example

當不同節點間對OCR配置資訊存在不一致時(一般發生在某個節點未起的情況下進行了OCR/ocrmirror的配置修改),需要使用-repair命令來進行修復。Repair操作必須在crs停止的情況下進行。該命令僅修改OCR配置資訊(ocr.loc檔案),不對OCR 本身進行修復。

1. Stop Oracle Clusterware on Node2:

# crsctl stop crs

2. Add OCR mirror from Node1:

# ocrconfig –replace ocrmirror /OCRMirror

3. Repair OCR mirror location on Node2:

# ocrconfig –repair ocrmirror /OCRMirror

4. Start Oracle Clusterware on Node2:

# crsctl start crs

OCR Considerations

If using raw devices to store OCR files, make sure they exist before add or replace operations.

You must be the root user to be able to add, replace, or remove an OCR file while using ocrconfig.

While adding or replacing an OCR file, its mirror needs to be online.

If you remove a primary OCR file, the mirror OCR file becomes primary.

Never remove the last remaining OCR file.

Change VIP Addresses

1. Determine the interface used to support your VIP:

$ ifconfig -a

2. Stop all resources depending on the VIP:

$ srvctl stop instance -d DB -i DB1

$ srvctl stop asm -n node1

# srvctl stop nodeapps -n node1

3. Verify that the VIP is no longer running:

$ ifconfig -a + $ crs_stat

4. Change IP in /etc/hosts and DNS.

5. Modify your VIP address using srvctl:

# srvctl modify nodeapps -n node1 –A

6. Start nodeapps and all resources depending on it:

# srvctl start nodeapps -n node1

7. Repeat from step 1 for the next node.


Change Public/Interconnect IP Subnet Configuration: Example

1. You get the current interfaces information by using the getif option.

$ /bin/oifcfg getif

eth0 global public

eth1 global cluster_interconnect

2. You delete the entry corresponding to public interface first by using the delif option, and

then enter the correct information by using the setif option.

$ oifcfg delif -global eth0

$ oifcfg setif –global eth0/

3. You do the same for your private interconnect.

$ oifcfg delif –global eth1

$ oifcfg setif –global eth1/

4. You check that the new information is correct.

$ oifcfg getif

eth0 global public

eth1 global cluster_interconnect

Third-Party Application Protection: Overview

High Availability framework: - 將應用納入CRS以提供高可用性

Command-line tools to register applications with CRS

Calls control application agents to manage applications

OCR used to describe CRS attributes for the applications

High Availability C API:

Modify directly CRS attributes in OCR

Modify CRS attributes on the fly

Application VIPs: - 應用虛擬IP,提供failover功能(VIP與應用同時failover

Used for applications accessed by network means

NIC redundancy

NIC failover

OCFS: - 為應用提供共享儲存

Store application configuration files

Share files between cluster nodes

Application VIP and RAC VIP Differences

RAC VIP is mainly used in case of node down events: - resource無須failoverRAC VIP被接管後,並不再接受連線,而只是立刻傳送失敗資訊以便於客戶端更換地址重連。

VIP is failed over to a surviving node.

From there it returns NAK to clients forcing them to reconnect.

There is no need to fail over resources associated to the VIP.

Application VIP is mainly used in case of application down events:

VIP is failed over to another node together with the application(s).

From there, clients can still connect through the VIP.

Although not recommended, one VIP can serve many applications.

Use CRS Framework: Overview

1. Create an application VIP, if necessary:

a) Create a profile: Network data + usrvip predefined script

b) Register the application VIP.

c) Set user permissions on the application VIP.

d) Start the application VIP by using crs_start.

2. Write an application action script that accepts three parameters:

start: Script should start the application.

check: Script should confirm that the application is up.

stop: Script should stop the application.

3. Create an application profile:

Action script location

Check interval

Failover policies

Application VIP, if necessary

4. Set permissions on your application.

5. Register the profile with Oracle Clusterware.

6. Start your application by using crs_start.

Prevent Automatic Instance Restarts


# crs_register ora.….inst -update -o as=2,ra=1,ut=7d

10.Diagnosing Oracle Clusterware and RAC Components

The One Golden Rule in RAC Debugging

Always make sure that your nodes have exactly the same system time to:

Facilitate log information analysis

Ensure accurate results when reading GV$ views

Avoid untimely instance evictions

The best recommendation is to synchronize nodes using Network Time Protocol.


Oracle Clusterware Main Log Files

The main directories used by Oracle Clusterware to store its log files:


CSS 日誌在$ORA_CRS_HOME/log//cssd/下,每20MB一歸檔

EVM 日誌在$ORA_CRS_HOME/log//evmd


$ORA_CRS_HOME/log//racg $ORACLE_HOME/log//racg


SRVM (srvctl) OCR (ocrdump, ocrconfig, ocrcheck) 等客戶端工具的日誌在


Oracle Clusterware的重要日誌在$ORA_CRS_HOME/log/下,檔名為alert.log

Diagnostics Collection Script

Script to collect all important log files:

Must be executed as root

Is located in $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/

Is called diagcollection.pl

Generates the following files in the local directory:


crsData _. tar.gz

ocrData _. tar.gz

oraData _. tar.gz

Cluster Verify: Overview


Stage commands - 在軟體安裝、資料庫建立、配置項更改等各場景前後進行系統環境檢查

Component commands - 對單個元件的狀態及完整性等進行驗證

Cluster Verify Stages

-post hwos: Postcheck for hardware and operating system

-pre cfs: Precheck for CFS setup

-post cfs: Postcheck for CFS setup

-pre crsinst: Precheck for CRS installation

-post crsinst: Postcheck for CRS installation

-pre dbinst: Precheck for database installation

-pre dbcfg: Precheck for database configuration

Cluster Verify Components

nodereach: Checks reachability between nodes

nodecon: Checks node connectivity

cfs: Checks Oracle Cluster File System integrity

ssa: Checks shared storage accessibility

space: Checks space availability

sys: Checks minimum system requirements

clu: Checks cluster integrity

clumgr: Checks cluster manager integrity

ocr: Checks OCR integrity

crs: Checks CRS integrity

nodeapp: Checks node applications existence

admprv: Checks administrative privileges

peer: Compares properties with peers


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