

當使用nogui引數,出現“unknown error"錯誤,並不起作用。從網上找來了處理的方法,經過在VMWARE6.0測試成功。

1. EXPORT from the registry the keys at and under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREVMware, Inc.VMware Workstation"

2. in the exported copy, delete all the stuff under the sub-key "Dormant", "License.ws.5.0" and "License.ws.6.0.200610"

3. There won't be much left, but in what is left, change the word "VMware Workstation" to "vmrun"

4. Merge this back into the registry. This is not easy because for some reason I can't add stuff under the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREVMware, Inc.vmrun", so I renamed that to something handy "vmrun-old", then the merge worked fine.

Now I have 2 copies in the registry of my licensing information (bad) but at least the vmrun seems to have worked with the nogui option.

For information, the registry info that I merged in looks like this (note I have obscured the company name, user name, my license number, and a few other things, so this shows the principle rather than MY details!)

(NOTE - this crazy posting system has converted the standard registry syntax into some insane http: hyperlinked mess. I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to get it to display properly and given up in disgust.)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

, Inc.vmrun
Program FilesVMware
VMware Workstation"

, Inc.vmrunDormant

, Inc.vmrunLicense.ws.6.0.200610
"StartFields"="Cpt, ProductID, LicenseVersion, LicenseType, Epoch"
"Cpt"="COPYRIGHT (c) VMware, Inc. 1999-2007"
"ProductID"="VMware Workstation for Win32"
"Hash"="has is obscured"
"Serial"="this has been obscured"
"LastModified"="2008-02-08 @ 00:33:22 UTC"

, Inc.vmrunvolatile
"UUIDHost"="i have obscure the UUID host as well"

Looking at the log files, it does appear that this HACK is imperfect because there are differences between the NOGUI options and the normal way of running it up. These are that some of the preferences are not being applied (eg total memory for all VM's running on the host), so whilst it works it might not deliver exactly what is expected.


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/21100044/viewspace-1019594/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
