Whats the difference between the v$sql* views

What is the diff between:


when I query v$sql joining with v$session and filter by a SID I get more than
one SQL (expected) but if I join v$sqltext with v$session with same conditions I
get one sql statement only (last SQL issued) why is this?

and we said...
v$sql the details -- if you have multiple copies of the query:

"select * from T"

in your shared pool, v$sql will have a row per query. This can happen if user
U1 and user U2 both have a table T and both issue "select * from T". Those are
entirely different queries with different plans and so on. v$sql will have 2

v$sqlarea is a aggregate of v$sql. It selects out DISTINCT sql. "select * from
T" will appear there.

It is not clear to me how you are joing v$session to v$sql to get more then one
row. If you wish to see the queries a session has open (maybe open, we cache
cursors so you might see some queries that are closed) use v$open_cursor by sid.

v$sqltext is simply a way to see the entire query. the v$sql and v$sqlarea
views only show the first 1000 bytes. newlines and other control characters are
replace with whitespace.

v$sqltext_with_newlines is v$sqltext without the whitespace replacment.


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/18921899/viewspace-1017125/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
