TIMED_STATISTICS:=TRUE,等待事件按等待的時間排序,= FALSE,等待事件按等待的數量排序。
執行statspack期間必須session上設定TIMED_STATISTICS = TRUE。
TIMED_STATISTICS:=TRUE,等待事件按等待的時間排序,= FALSE,等待事件按等待的數量排序。
執行statspack期間必須session上設定TIMED_STATISTICS = TRUE。
Top 5 Timed Events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Total
Event Waits Time (s) Ela Time
-------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- --------
db file sequential read 22,154 259 62.14
CPU time 49 11.67
log file parallel write 2,439 26 6.30
db file parallel write 400 22 5.32
SQL*Net message from dblink 4,575 15 3.71
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Total
Event Waits Time (s) Ela Time
-------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- --------
db file sequential read 22,154 259 62.14
CPU time 49 11.67
log file parallel write 2,439 26 6.30
db file parallel write 400 22 5.32
SQL*Net message from dblink 4,575 15 3.71
db file scattered read:該事件通常與全表掃描有關。因為全表掃描是被放入記憶體中進行的進行的,通常情況下它不可能被放入連續的緩衝區中,所以就散佈在緩衝區的快取中。 該指數的數量過大說明缺少索引或者限制了索引的使用(也可以調整optimizer_index_cost_adj)。這種情況也可能是正常的,因為執行 全表掃描可能比索引掃描效率更高。當系統存在這些等待時,需要透過檢查來確定全表掃描是否必需的來調整。如果經常必須進行全表掃描,而且表比較小,把該表 存人keep池。如果是大表經常進行全表掃描,那麼應該是OLAP系統,而不是OLTP的。
db file sequential read:該事件說明在單個資料塊上大量等待,該值過高通常是由於表間連線順序很糟糕,或者使用了非選擇性索引。透過將這種等待與statspack報表 中已知其它問題聯絡起來(如效率不高的sql),透過檢查確保索引掃描是必須的,並確保多表連線的連線順序來調整, DB_CACHE_SIZE可以決定該事件出現的頻率。
db file sequential read:該事件說明在單個資料塊上大量等待,該值過高通常是由於表間連線順序很糟糕,或者使用了非選擇性索引。透過將這種等待與statspack報表 中已知其它問題聯絡起來(如效率不高的sql),透過檢查確保索引掃描是必須的,並確保多表連線的連線順序來調整,DB_CACHE_SIZE可以決定該 事件出現的頻率。
buffer busy wait:當緩衝區以一種非共享方式或者如正在被讀入到緩衝時,就會出現該等待。該值不應該大於1%,確認是不是由於熱點塊造成(如果是可以用反轉索引,或者用更小塊大小)。
latch free:常跟應用沒有很好的應用繫結有關。閂鎖是底層的佇列機制(更加準確的名稱應該是互斥機制),用於保護系統全域性區(SGA)共享記憶體結構閂鎖用於 防止對記憶體結構的並行訪問。如果閂鎖不可用,就會記錄一次閂鎖丟失。絕大多數得閂鎖問題都與使用繫結變數失敗(庫快取閂鎖)、生成重作問題(重執行分配閂 鎖)、快取的爭用問題(快取LRU鏈) 以及快取的熱資料寬塊(快取鏈)有關。當閂鎖丟失率高於0.5%時,需要調整這個問題。
log buffer space:日誌緩衝區寫的速度快於LGWR寫REDOFILE的速度,可以增大日誌檔案大小,增加日誌緩衝區的大小,或者使用更快的磁碟來寫資料。
logfile switch:通常是因為歸檔速度不夠快,需要增大重做日誌。
log file sync:當一個使用者提交或回滾資料時,LGWR將會話得重做操作從日誌緩衝區填充到日誌檔案中,使用者的程式必須等待這個填充工作完成。在每次提交時都出 現,如果這個等待事件影響到資料庫效能,那麼就需要修改應用程式的提交頻率, 為減少這個等待事件,須一次提交更多記錄,或者將重做日誌REDO LOG檔案訪在不同的物理磁碟上。
Wait time: 等待時間包括日誌緩衝的寫入和傳送操作。
db file scattered read:該事件通常與全表掃描有關。因為全表掃描是被放入記憶體中進行的進行的,通常情況下它不可能被放入連續的緩衝區中,所以就散佈在緩衝區的快取中。 該指數的數量過大說明缺少索引或者限制了索引的使用(也可以調整optimizer_index_cost_adj)。這種情況也可能是正常的,因為執行 全表掃描可能比索引掃描效率更高。當系統存在這些等待時,需要透過檢查來確定全表掃描是否必需的來調整。如果經常必須進行全表掃描,而且表比較小,把該表 存人keep池。如果是大表經常進行全表掃描,那麼應該是OLAP系統,而不是OLTP的。
db file sequential read:該事件說明在單個資料塊上大量等待,該值過高通常是由於表間連線順序很糟糕,或者使用了非選擇性索引。透過將這種等待與statspack報表 中已知其它問題聯絡起來(如效率不高的sql),透過檢查確保索引掃描是必須的,並確保多表連線的連線順序來調整, DB_CACHE_SIZE可以決定該事件出現的頻率。
db file sequential read:該事件說明在單個資料塊上大量等待,該值過高通常是由於表間連線順序很糟糕,或者使用了非選擇性索引。透過將這種等待與statspack報表 中已知其它問題聯絡起來(如效率不高的sql),透過檢查確保索引掃描是必須的,並確保多表連線的連線順序來調整,DB_CACHE_SIZE可以決定該 事件出現的頻率。
buffer busy wait:當緩衝區以一種非共享方式或者如正在被讀入到緩衝時,就會出現該等待。該值不應該大於1%,確認是不是由於熱點塊造成(如果是可以用反轉索引,或者用更小塊大小)。
latch free:常跟應用沒有很好的應用繫結有關。閂鎖是底層的佇列機制(更加準確的名稱應該是互斥機制),用於保護系統全域性區(SGA)共享記憶體結構閂鎖用於 防止對記憶體結構的並行訪問。如果閂鎖不可用,就會記錄一次閂鎖丟失。絕大多數得閂鎖問題都與使用繫結變數失敗(庫快取閂鎖)、生成重作問題(重執行分配閂 鎖)、快取的爭用問題(快取LRU鏈) 以及快取的熱資料寬塊(快取鏈)有關。當閂鎖丟失率高於0.5%時,需要調整這個問題。
log buffer space:日誌緩衝區寫的速度快於LGWR寫REDOFILE的速度,可以增大日誌檔案大小,增加日誌緩衝區的大小,或者使用更快的磁碟來寫資料。
logfile switch:通常是因為歸檔速度不夠快,需要增大重做日誌。
log file sync:當一個使用者提交或回滾資料時,LGWR將會話得重做操作從日誌緩衝區填充到日誌檔案中,使用者的程式必須等待這個填充工作完成。在每次提交時都出 現,如果這個等待事件影響到資料庫效能,那麼就需要修改應用程式的提交頻率, 為減少這個等待事件,須一次提交更多記錄,或者將重做日誌REDO LOG檔案訪在不同的物理磁碟上。
Wait time: 等待時間包括日誌緩衝的寫入和傳送操作。
Wait Events for DB: BLISSDB Instance: blissdb Snaps: 4 -5
-> s - second
-> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
-> s - second
-> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second
-> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
-> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
Total Wait wait Waits
Event Waits Timeouts Time (s) (ms) /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
db file sequential read 22,154 0 259 12 886.2
log file parallel write 2,439 2,012 26 11 97.6
db file parallel write 400 0 22 55 16.0
SQL*Net message from dblink 4,575 0 15 3 183.0
SQL*Net more data from dblin 64,490 0 13 0 2,579.6
control file parallel write 416 0 5 13 16.6
db file scattered read 456 0 5 11 18.2
write complete waits 9 0 5 568 0.4
control file sequential read 370 0 5 13 14.8
log buffer space 126 0 4 34 5.0
free buffer waits 11 1 3 313 0.4
log file switch completion 13 0 2 188 0.5
log file sync 90 0 1 8 3.6
log file sequential read 10 0 0 16 0.4
latch free 17 6 0 8 0.7
direct path read 56 0 0 1 2.2
direct path write 56 0 0 1 2.2
SQL*Net more data to client 173 0 0 0 6.9
SQL*Net message to dblink 4,575 0 0 0 183.0
LGWR wait for redo copy 8 0 0 1 0.3
log file single write 10 0 0 1 0.4
db file single write 5 0 0 0 0.2
SQL*Net break/reset to clien 5 0 0 0 0.2
async disk IO 15 0 0 0 0.6
SQL*Net message from client 789 0 3,290 4170 31.6
virtual circuit status 36 36 1,082 30069 1.4
wakeup time manager 34 34 1,034 30403 1.4
SQL*Net message to client 791 0 0 0 31.6
SQL*Net more data from clien 30 0 0 0 1.2
Total Wait wait Waits
Event Waits Timeouts Time (s) (ms) /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
db file sequential read 22,154 0 259 12 886.2
log file parallel write 2,439 2,012 26 11 97.6
db file parallel write 400 0 22 55 16.0
SQL*Net message from dblink 4,575 0 15 3 183.0
SQL*Net more data from dblin 64,490 0 13 0 2,579.6
control file parallel write 416 0 5 13 16.6
db file scattered read 456 0 5 11 18.2
write complete waits 9 0 5 568 0.4
control file sequential read 370 0 5 13 14.8
log buffer space 126 0 4 34 5.0
free buffer waits 11 1 3 313 0.4
log file switch completion 13 0 2 188 0.5
log file sync 90 0 1 8 3.6
log file sequential read 10 0 0 16 0.4
latch free 17 6 0 8 0.7
direct path read 56 0 0 1 2.2
direct path write 56 0 0 1 2.2
SQL*Net more data to client 173 0 0 0 6.9
SQL*Net message to dblink 4,575 0 0 0 183.0
LGWR wait for redo copy 8 0 0 1 0.3
log file single write 10 0 0 1 0.4
db file single write 5 0 0 0 0.2
SQL*Net break/reset to clien 5 0 0 0 0.2
async disk IO 15 0 0 0 0.6
SQL*Net message from client 789 0 3,290 4170 31.6
virtual circuit status 36 36 1,082 30069 1.4
wakeup time manager 34 34 1,034 30403 1.4
SQL*Net message to client 791 0 0 0 31.6
SQL*Net more data from clien 30 0 0 0 1.2
Background Wait Events for DB: BLISSDB Instance: blissdb Snaps: 4 -5
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
Total Wait wait Waits
Event Waits Timeouts Time (s) (ms) /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
log file parallel write 2,439 2,012 26 11 97.6
db file parallel write 400 0 22 55 16.0
control file parallel write 406 0 5 13 16.2
control file sequential read 258 0 4 16 10.3
db file sequential read 19 0 1 51 0.8
log buffer space 24 0 0 9 1.0
log file sequential read 10 0 0 16 0.4
latch free 14 6 0 9 0.6
db file scattered read 6 0 0 14 0.2
direct path read 56 0 0 1 2.2
direct path write 56 0 0 1 2.2
LGWR wait for redo copy 8 0 0 1 0.3
log file single write 10 0 0 1 0.4
rdbms ipc message 7,339 3,337 3,172 432 293.6
pmon timer 373 373 1,083 2903 14.9
smon timer 3 3 924 ###### 0.1
Total Wait wait Waits
Event Waits Timeouts Time (s) (ms) /txn
---------------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------
log file parallel write 2,439 2,012 26 11 97.6
db file parallel write 400 0 22 55 16.0
control file parallel write 406 0 5 13 16.2
control file sequential read 258 0 4 16 10.3
db file sequential read 19 0 1 51 0.8
log buffer space 24 0 0 9 1.0
log file sequential read 10 0 0 16 0.4
latch free 14 6 0 9 0.6
db file scattered read 6 0 0 14 0.2
direct path read 56 0 0 1 2.2
direct path write 56 0 0 1 2.2
LGWR wait for redo copy 8 0 0 1 0.3
log file single write 10 0 0 1 0.4
rdbms ipc message 7,339 3,337 3,172 432 293.6
pmon timer 373 373 1,083 2903 14.9
smon timer 3 3 924 ###### 0.1
SQL ordered by Gets for DB: BLISSDB Instance: blissdb Snaps: 4 -5
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold: 10000
-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code. As individual SQL
statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
total % to exceed 100
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold: 10000
-> Note that resources reported for PL/SQL includes the resources used by
all SQL statements called within the PL/SQL code. As individual SQL
statements are also reported, it is possible and valid for the summed
total % to exceed 100
CPU Elapsd
Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
1,230,745 1 1,230,745.0 27.5 16.39 60.69 1574310682
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1
Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
1,230,745 1 1,230,745.0 27.5 16.39 60.69 1574310682
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1
143,702 1 143,702.0 3.2 1.75 18.66 3978122706
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1 where curtime between to_date('200501','yyyymm') and to_date('
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1 where curtime between to_date('200501','yyyymm') and to_date('
SQL ordered by Reads for DB: BLISSDB Instance: blissdb Snaps: 4 -5
-> End Disk Reads Threshold: 1000
-> End Disk Reads Threshold: 1000
CPU Elapsd
Physical Reads Executions Reads per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
3,587 1 3,587.0 13.9 0.17 5.13 3342983569
Module: PL/SQL Developer
select min(curtime),max(curtime) from city_day_cal
Physical Reads Executions Reads per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
3,587 1 3,587.0 13.9 0.17 5.13 3342983569
Module: PL/SQL Developer
select min(curtime),max(curtime) from city_day_cal
1,575 1 1,575.0 6.1 1.75 18.66 3978122706
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1 where curtime between to_date('200501','yyyymm') and to_date('
Module: PL/SQL Developer
insert into city_day_cal select * from 1 where curtime between to_date('200501','yyyymm') and to_date('
SQL ordered by Executions for DB: BLISSDB Instance: blissdb Snaps: 4 -5
-> End Executions Threshold: 100
-> End Executions Threshold: 100
CPU per Elap per
Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
748 748 1.0 0.00 0.00 3371479671
select, (select owner_instance from$_queue_table_
affinities where table_objno = t.objno) from$_queue
_tables t where = :1 and t.schema = :2 for update skip lo
Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
748 748 1.0 0.00 0.00 3371479671
select, (select owner_instance from$_queue_table_
affinities where table_objno = t.objno) from$_queue
_tables t where = :1 and t.schema = :2 for update skip lo
442 1,142 2.6 0.00 0.00 1749333492
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
by sequence# desc
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
by sequence# desc
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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