SKYPE -- Public database projects

SKYPE -- Public database projects[@more@]

During the development of Skype's backend infrastructure, we have enchanced PostgreSQL database in several ways, which we wish to give back to community. (A little overview of using postgreSQL at Skype can be found here: .)


Pl/Proxy is our solution for horisontal partitioning of data between servers. PL/Proxy is an "embedded programming language" for postgreSQL, which distributes function calls between several "partition servers" based on criteria defined in the source of PL/Proxy function.

Usually the selection of the server to run the real function on is done based on HASH of one or more function arguments, but it can be based on any function

Project page: .

SkyTools: PgQ, WAL manager, Londiste

To automate setting up hot standby servers usin WAL-shipping we have written an utility for managing the setup of and failover to such standby servers

For moving data form OLTP servers to OLAP server, and sometimes also between different servers of the same kind, we have written a generic ququeing framework PgQ and a table-level replication tool Londiste

Project page: .


Lightweight connection pooler with features needed to be a backend pooler for PL/Proxy 2.

Project page: .


We have enchanced PL/Python to be able to return records and sets. These enchancements are being included in PostgreSQL version 8.2.

Here you can get the same functionality for PostgreSQL versions 8.0 and 8.1.

Documentation is available from PostgreSQL 8.2 PL/Python pages.

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