


package com.opensymphony.webwork;

* This class provides a central location for framework constants.
* @author Onyeje Bose (digi9ten@yahoo.com)
public final class WebWorkConstants {

public static final String WEBWORK_DEVMODE = "webwork.devMode";

public static final String WEBWORK_I18N_RELOAD = "webwork.i18n.reload";
public static final String WEBWORK_I18N_ENCODING = "webwork.i18n.encoding";

public static final String WEBWORK_CONFIGURATION_XML_RELOAD = "webwork.configuration.xml.reload";

public static final String WEBWORK_ACTION_EXTENSION = "webwork.action.extension";

public static final String WEBWORK_TAG_ALTSYNTAX = "webwork.tag.altSyntax";

public static final String WEBWORK_URL_HTTP_PORT = "webwork.url.http.port";
public static final String WEBWORK_URL_HTTPS_PORT = "webwork.url.https.port";

public static final String WEBWORK_OBJECTFACTORY = "webwork.objectFactory";

public static final String WEBWORK_CONTINUATIONS_PACKAGE = "webwork.continuations.package";

public static final String WEBWORK_CONFIGURATION = "webwork.configuration";

public static final String WEBWORK_LOCALE = "webwork.locale";

public static final String WEBWORK_DISPATCHER_PARAMETERSWORKAROUND = "webwork.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround";

public static final String WEBWORK_FREEMARKER_MANAGER_CLASSNAME = "webwork.freemarker.manager.classname";

public static final String WEBWORK_VELOCITY_MANAGER_CLASSNAME = "webwork.velocity.manager.classname";
public static final String WEBWORK_VELOCITY_CONFIGFILE = "webwork.velocity.configfile";
public static final String WEBWORK_VELOCITY_TOOLBOXLOCATION = "webwork.velocity.toolboxlocation";
public static final String WEBWORK_VELOCITY_CONTEXTS = "webwork.velocity.contexts";

public static final String WEBWORK_UI_TEMPLATEDIR = "webwork.ui.templateDir";
public static final String WEBWORK_UI_THEME = "webwork.ui.theme";

public static final String WEBWORK_MULTIPART_MAXSIZE = "webwork.multipart.maxSize";
public static final String WEBWORK_MULTIPART_SAVEDIR = "webwork.multipart.saveDir";
public static final String WEBWORK_MULTIPART_PARSER = "webwork.multipart.parser";

public static final String WEBWORK_OBJECTFACTORY_SPRING_AUTOWIRE = "webwork.objectFactory.spring.autoWire";

public static final String WEBWORK_XSLT_NOCACHE = "webwork.xslt.nocache";

public static final String WEBWORK_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = "webwork.custom.properties";
public static final String WEBWORK_CUSTOM_I18N_RESOURCES = "webwork.custom.i18n.resources";
public static final String WEBWORK_MAPPER_CLASS = "webwork.mapper.class";

### Webwork default properties
###(can be overridden by a webwork.properties file in the root of the classpath)

### Specifies the Configuration used to configure webwork
### one could extend com.opensymphony.webwork.config.Configuration
### to build one's customize way of getting the configurations parameters into webwork
# webwork.configuration=com.opensymphony.webwork.config.DefaultConfiguration

### This can be used to set your default locale and encoding scheme
# webwork.locale=en_US

### if specified, the default object factory can be overridden here
### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "spring"
### Alternatively, you can provide a com.opensymphony.xwork.ObjectFactory subclass name here
# webwork.objectFactory = spring

### specifies the autoWiring logic when using the SpringObjectFactory.
### valid values are: name, type, auto, and constructor (name is the default)
webwork.objectFactory.spring.autoWire = name

### Parser to handle HTTP POST requests, encoded using the MIME-type multipart/form-data
# webwork.multipart.parser=cos
# webwork.multipart.parser=pell
# uses javax.servlet.context.tempdir by default

### Load custom property files (does not override webwork.properties!)
# webwork.custom.properties=application,com/webwork/extension/custom

### How request URLs are mapped to and from actions

### Used by the DefaultActionMapper

### use alternative syntax that requires %{} in most places
### to evaluate expressions for String attributes for tags

### when set to true, WebWork will act much more friendly for developers. This
### includes:
### - webwork.i18n.reload = true
### - webwork.configuration.xml.reload = true
### - raising various debug or ignorable problems to errors
### For example: normally a request to foo.action?someUnknownField=true should
### be ignored (given that any value can come from the web and it
### should not be trusted). However, during development, it may be
### useful to know when these errors are happening and be told of
### them right away.
webwork.devMode = false

### when set to true, resource bundles will be reloaded on _every_ request.
### this is good during development, but should never be used in production

### Standard UI theme
### Change this to reflect which path should be used for JSP control tag templates by default
#sets the default template type. Either ftl, vm, or jsp

### Configuration reloading
### This will cause the configuration to reload xwork.xml when it is changed

### Location of velocity.properties file. defaults to velocity.properties
# webwork.velocity.configfile = velocity.properties

### Comma separated list of VelocityContext classnames to chain to the WebWorkVelocityContext
# webwork.velocity.contexts =

### used to build URLs, such as the UrlTag
webwork.url.http.port = 80
webwork.url.https.port = 443

### Load custom default resource bundles
# webwork.custom.i18n.resources=testmessages,testmessages2

### workaround for some app servers that don't handle HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap()
### often used for WebLogic, Orion, and OC4J
webwork.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround = false

### configure the Freemarker Manager class to be used
### Allows user to plug-in customised Freemarker Manager if necessary
### MUST extends off com.opensymphony.webwork.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager

### See the WebWorkBeanWrapper javadocs for more information


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