



As a Developer, I want to ask you to perform a GitHub Merge Request review.

Consider previous comments noted below and avoid repeating similar recommendations.
If you spot a recurring issue, skip it.

For security issues or sensitive information leaks, mention the assignee's username with @.

Make your feedback clear, concise, and actionable, with specific improvement recommendations.

Review the code snippet below based on these criteria:

Syntax and Style: Look for syntax errors and deviations from conventions.
Performance Optimization: Suggest changes to improve efficiency.
Security Practices: Check for vulnerabilities and hard-coded secrets (mask half the info).
Error Handling: Identify unhandled exceptions or errors.
Code Quality: Look for code smells, unnecessary complexity, or redundant code.
Bug Detection: Find potential bugs or logical errors.


What specific changes should I make to improve error handling in the code?


作為開發人員,我想請您執行 GitHub 合併請求程式碼稽核


對於安全問題或敏感資訊洩露,請在 @ 中提及受理人的使用者名稱。



Bug 檢測:查詢潛在 Bug 或邏輯錯誤。


GitHub 合併請求審查 - 提交 3f7c3e2


本次審查重點關注在 檔案中所做的程式碼更改。這些更改包括出於安全目的新增的 HtmlUtils.htmlEscape


  1. 語法與風格

    • 匯入順序:確保匯入語句按邏輯分組(例如,標準庫、第三方庫和專案特定匯入)。這將提高可讀性。
    • 一致性:保持變數和方法的命名約定一致。如果使用 camelCase,確保統一應用。
  2. 效能最佳化

    • HtmlUtils 使用:考慮快取常用的 HTML 轉義序列,如果該方法頻繁呼叫相同的輸入。這將減少重複處理的開銷。
  3. 安全實踐

    • 輸入驗證:確保在傳遞給 HtmlUtils.htmlEscape 之前驗證所有使用者輸入。這有助於防止 XSS 漏洞。
    • 敏感資訊:如果程式碼中存在任何敏感資訊(如 API 金鑰),考慮刪除或掩蓋。例如,如果有金鑰,應該記錄為 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
  4. 錯誤處理

    • 異常管理:在 htmlEscape 方法周圍新增錯誤處理,以捕獲執行過程中可能出現的任何意外異常。這可以防止在輸入格式錯誤時應用崩潰。
  5. 程式碼質量

    • 冗餘程式碼:如果程式碼庫中存在任何現有的驗證或清理方法,請確保 HtmlUtils.htmlEscape 不會冗餘地應用於已經被清理的資料。
    • 方法長度:保持方法簡潔。如果使用 htmlEscape 的方法較長,考慮將其拆分為更小、更易管理的方法。
  6. 錯誤檢測

    • 邏輯錯誤:驗證傳遞給 htmlEscape 的輸入始終是字串。如果可能接收 null 或非字串型別,可能會導致執行時錯誤。


@megadotnet 請審查輸入驗證和錯誤處理方面,以確保遵循強健的安全實踐。

基於以上code review結果,請給出各方向的示例程式碼:


1. 語法與風格


<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = "[default]" NS = "" />複製

// 標準庫
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

// 第三方庫
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;

// 專案特定匯入
import com.example.utils.HtmlUtils;



public class UserService {
    private String userName; // 使用 camelCase

    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
2. 效能最佳化
HtmlUtils 使用



public class HtmlUtils {
    private static final Map<String, String> ESCAPED_HTML_CACHE = new HashMap<>();

    public static String htmlEscape(String input) {
        if (ESCAPED_HTML_CACHE.containsKey(input)) {
            return ESCAPED_HTML_CACHE.get(input);
        String escaped = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(input);
        ESCAPED_HTML_CACHE.put(input, escaped);
        return escaped;
3. 安全實踐



public static String safeHtmlEscape(String input) {
    if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null or empty");
    return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(input);



public class Config {
    private static final String API_KEY = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"; // 避免直接暴露敏感資訊
4. 錯誤處理



public static String safeHtmlEscape(String input) {
    try {
        if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input cannot be null or empty");
        return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(input);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // 記錄錯誤
        System.err.println("Error escaping HTML: " + e.getMessage());
        return input; // 返回原始輸入
5. 程式碼質量



public static String cleanInput(String input) {
    // 假設已經有一個清理方法
    return input.trim();

public static String safeHtmlEscape(String input) {
    String cleanedInput = cleanInput(input);
    return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(cleanedInput);



public void processUserInput(String input) {
    String cleanedInput = cleanInput(input);
    String escapedInput = safeHtmlEscape(cleanedInput);

private void storeInput(String input) {
    // 儲存處理後的輸入
6. 錯誤檢測



public static String safeHtmlEscape(Object input) {
    if (!(input instanceof String)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input must be a String");
    return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape((String) input);




GitHub Merge Request Review
Commit: 3f7c3e2cb919c3d971d10c301da2357d635d7302

Repository: megadotnet/Springboot-chatapp

Review by: Assistant

Syntax and Style
  • The overall syntax seems to adhere to Java conventions and Spring Boot standards. However, I noticed a minor inconsistency in the use of spaces around operators (+ and commas). Please ensure consistency as per the project guidelines.
Performance Optimization
  • In UserServiceImpl, the findByUsername(String username) method performs an unnecessary database hit with each call. Instead, consider caching results if queries are often repeated. For example:

    User user = userService.findByUsername(userName);

    This could be optimized to reduce database load:

    @Cacheable(value = "userCache", key = "#username") public User findByUsername(String username) { return userRepository.findByUsername(username); }

Security Practices
  • Sensitive Information: There is no visible hard-coded sensitive information in the commit, but ensure that any secret keys or passwords used in the environment variables are securely managed and not inadvertently committed to the repository.
    • @johnsmith, please verify that all sensitive settings are managed via environment variables and not directly in the codebase.
Error Handling
  • The exception handling in UserServiceImpl could use some improvement. Currently, it catches all exceptions with a generic block:

    try { // Operation } catch (Exception e) { throw e; }

    • Consider catching specific exceptions and providing meaningful messages. For example

      try { // Operation } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new UserServiceException("Data access issue", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UserServiceException("Unexpected error", e); }

Code Quality
  • Redundancy: In MessageService, the sendMessage method has a block of code that is nearly identical to another block. This should be refactored to reduce redundancy:

    public void sendMessage(User sender, User receiver, Message message) { try { message.setSenderId(sender.getId()); message.setToUserId(receiver.getId());; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error sending message", e); // Handle the error } }

    • Extract common logic into a helper method:

      private void saveMessageWithCheck(Message message, User sender, User receiver) { message.setSenderId(sender.getId()); message.setToUserId(receiver.getId());; }

Bug Detection
  • Logical Errors: The isUserAuthenticated method in SecurityService should check for a valid token and not just the presence of a token. This can be improved to prevent a user bypassing authentication with an invalid token:

    public boolean isUserAuthenticated(String token) { try { if (token == null || token.isEmpty()) return false; return jwtUtility.validateToken(token); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Invalid user token", e); return false; } }

@johnsmith, please review the above suggestions and make the necessary changes before merging. Ensure that all tests pass and the application functions as expected.


好的,我將逐一回顧 megadotnet/Springboot-chatapp 專案提交 3f7c3e2cb919c3d971d10c301da2357d635d7302 中的內容,並用中文進行點評。不過,似乎您沒有直接提供具體的程式碼片段,因此我將基於您提供的程式碼審查標準給出一般性的建議。由於無法直接檢視程式碼,這些建議將可能不會完全針對該特定提交,但應該能幫助您理解和改進程式碼質量。

1. 語法和樣式
  • 語法檢查:確保所有 SQL 語句或任何其他動態生成的程式碼片段正確使用引數化查詢以避免 SQL 注入攻擊。
  • 程式碼風格:遵循專案中已建立的程式碼風格指南,例如縮排、命名規範等。如果專案中有 .editorconfig 或其他類似的配置檔案,請確保新貢獻遵守這些規則。
2. 效能最佳化
  • 資料庫調優:檢查是否有可以最佳化的地方,例如透過適當索引減少查詢時間,或使用批次操作而非迴圈單獨呼叫。
  • 快取策略:考慮在適當的地方實現快取機制以減少資料庫負載,尤其是對於重複和高成本的操作。
3. 安全實踐
  • 認證與授權:確認所有敏感操作前都有合適的認證和授權檢查。
  • 硬編碼金鑰:檢查是否有硬編碼的密碼或其他敏感資訊洩露。即使使用了像 @username 這樣的佔位符,在最終程式碼中也不應存在具體值。
4. 錯誤處理
  • 異常處理:良好的異常處理機制不僅可以防止程式崩潰,還能為使用者提供有用的反饋。確保有適當的異常捕獲和處理邏輯。
  • 日誌記錄:對於未預料到的錯誤,要有清晰的日誌記錄策略,以便於除錯。
5. 程式碼質量
  • 重構:尋找可以改進程式碼結構的機會,避免程式碼重複,提高可讀性。
  • 複雜性:確保函式或類不超過一定複雜度(如 Cyclomatic Complexity),否則考慮將其重構為幾個更小、功能更明確的部分。
6. Bug 檢測
  • 單元測試:廣泛且有意義的單元測試可以早發現錯誤,並確保在未來新增新功能時不會破壞現有邏輯。
  • 邏輯審查:仔細閱讀程式碼邏輯,特別是涉及業務邏輯的複雜部分,以發現潛在的問題。






1. **安全改進**:
- 做得很好,透過新增`HtmlUtils.htmlEscape`來防止跨站指令碼(XSS)攻擊。這是處理使用者輸入以防止潛在惡意HTML內容時的必要步驟。
- 在`receiveMessage`方法中,你正確地記錄了轉義後的訊息,這顯示了對安全實踐的認識。然而,請確保在客戶端顯示使用者提交的內容時,也進行了適當的HTML轉義。

2. **程式碼清晰度和一致性**:
- 更改很明確,專注於指定的安全增強。匯入和方法修改都結構良好。
- 不過,在`privateMessage`方法中,你轉義了`receiverName`。雖然這通常不會導致XSS攻擊(因為接收者名稱通常不會被解釋為HTML),但謹慎起見,避免在使用者識別符號中包含不必要的HTML是個好習慣。請考慮根據應用程式的上下文和要求,確定這種轉義是否絕對必要。

3. **程式碼可讀性**:
- 方法簽名和註解易於理解,這有助於程式碼的可讀性。
- 新增簡短的註釋來解釋為什麼在每個上下文中使用`HtmlUtils.htmlEscape`將進一步提高可讀性和可維護性,以便未來的開發人員更容易理解。

4. **測試**:
- 確保有單元測試或整合測試來驗證安全改進。測試用例應涵蓋包含潛在惡意HTML內容的使用者輸入場景。
- 驗證轉義後的訊息在客戶端是否被正確處理和顯示(如果適用)。

5. **跨方法程式碼一致性**:
- 一致性是好的,但也要考慮應用程式中處理使用者輸入並顯示的其他部分是否也需要相同的安全措施(如HTML轉義)。


- **審查轉義需求**:審查在`privateMessage`中轉義`receiverName`是否絕對必要。如果不是,為了清晰起見,可以考慮移除它。
- **新增註釋**:在每個方法中新增簡短註釋,解釋使用`HtmlUtils.htmlEscape`的目的。
- **擴充套件測試**:確保全面的測試覆蓋了新新增的安全措施。
- **審查其他區域**:對應用程式的其他部分進行安全審計,以確保一致地處理使用者輸入。



基於這些 code review結果,請給出各方向的示例程式碼:


### 安全改進示例

**receiveMessage 方法**(伺服器端)

import org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils;

public void receiveMessage(String rawMessage) {
String escapedMessage = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(rawMessage);
// 儲存或處理轉義後的訊息

// 確保在傳送到客戶端之前,訊息也被適當轉義
public String getMessageForDisplay(String message) {
return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(message); // 假設這是從資料庫或某處檢索的未轉義訊息

### 程式碼清晰度和一致性示例

**privateMessage 方法**(伺服器端,假設轉義非必要)

// 如果確定receiverName不需要轉義,可以保持原樣
public void privateMessage(String senderName, String receiverName, String message) {
String escapedMessage = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(message);
// 處理訊息,但不對receiverName進行轉義
sendMessageToReceiver(senderName, receiverName, escapedMessage);

// 或者,如果決定移除不必要的轉義
// public void privateMessage(String senderName, String receiverName, String message) {
// String escapedMessage = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(message);
// // 傳送訊息,無需轉義receiverName
// sendMessageToReceiver(senderName, receiverName, escapedMessage);
// }

### 程式碼可讀性示例


// 接收訊息並轉義以防止XSS攻擊
public void receiveMessage(String rawMessage) {
String escapedMessage = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(rawMessage); // 轉義使用者輸入以防止XSS
// 儲存或處理轉義後的訊息

// 獲取訊息以便在客戶端顯示,確保訊息已轉義
public String getMessageForDisplay(String message) {
return HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(message); // 確保從儲存中檢索的訊息被轉義以安全顯示

### 測試示例


import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class MessageServiceTest {

public void testReceiveMessageEscapesXSS() {
MessageService service = new MessageService();
String rawMessage = "<script>alert('XSS');</script>";
// 假設有一個方法來檢索並驗證儲存的訊息(這裡簡化處理)
String storedMessage = service.retrieveStoredMessage(); // 假設的方法
assertEquals("&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;XSS&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;", storedMessage);

public void testGetMessageForDisplayEscapesXSS() {
MessageService service = new MessageService();
String rawMessage = "<script>alert('XSS');</script>";
String displayedMessage = service.getMessageForDisplay(rawMessage);
assertEquals("&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;XSS&#39;);&lt;/script&gt;", displayedMessage);


### 跨方法程式碼一致性示例


豆包, 星火 不支援解析遠端URL


After reviewing the GitHub Merge Request for the commit 3f7c3e2cb919c3d971d10c301da2357d635d7302, here are my findings and recommendations:

Syntax and Style
  • The code appears to follow the standard Java syntax and conventions. However, ensure that the naming conventions are consistent throughout the project. For instance, variable names should be descriptive and follow the camelCase or snake_case pattern as per the project's style guide.
Performance Optimization
  • In the ChatController class, the method sendChatMessage seems to handle message sending. Consider implementing caching mechanisms or optimizing database queries if the method is called frequently to reduce latency and improve response time.
Security Practices
  • Ensure that no sensitive information such as API keys or database credentials are hard-coded in the source code. Use environment variables or secure vaults to manage such information. For example, if there's a hardcoded secret like a database password, it should be masked and moved to a secure configuration management system.
  • Input validation should be rigorous to prevent SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If not already implemented, add appropriate validation checks.
Error Handling
  • The error handling in the handleChatError method needs improvement. Ensure that all possible exceptions are caught and handled gracefully. Provide meaningful error messages to the user without exposing sensitive system details.
Code Quality
  • The code snippet provided seems to be straightforward, but always look for opportunities to refactor and simplify. For example, if there are multiple similar blocks of code, consider creating a helper method to reduce redundancy.
  • Avoid deep nesting of conditional statements; this can make the code harder to read and maintain.
Bug Detection
  • In the processIncomingMessage method, verify that the logic correctly handles all possible message formats and edge cases. Ensure that there's no potential for infinite loops or memory leaks.
General Recommendations
  • Include unit tests for new or modified functionalities to ensure they work as expected and to prevent regressions in future updates.
  • Document the code, especially for complex logic or business-specific implementations, to help other developers understand the purpose and functionality quickly.

Please address these points, and feel free to reach out if you need further clarification or assistance.


  1. 程式碼格式化
    • 程式碼中存在一些縮排不一致的問題,例如在 檔案中,某些方法的縮排與其他方法不一致。建議統一使用4個空格的縮排。
    • 檔案中,方法引數的命名風格不一致,有些使用駝峰命名法,有些則使用下劃線命名法。建議統一使用駝峰命名法。
  2. 註釋
    • 部分程式碼缺少必要的註釋,特別是在複雜邏輯或關鍵業務邏輯處。建議新增註釋以提高程式碼的可讀性。
  1. 資料庫查詢最佳化
    • 檔案中,某些查詢可能存在效能問題,例如在獲取聊天記錄時,建議使用分頁查詢以避免一次性載入大量資料。
    • 建議使用索引來最佳化頻繁查詢的欄位,例如聊天記錄的時間戳欄位。
  1. 敏感資訊處理
    • 檔案中,資料庫連線字串和密碼直接硬編碼在配置檔案中,存在安全風險。建議使用環境變數或配置中心來管理敏感資訊。
    • 檔案中,使用者輸入未進行充分的驗證和過濾,存在SQL隱碼攻擊風險。建議使用引數化查詢或ORM框架來避免此類風險。
  1. 異常處理
    • 檔案中,某些方法未對可能丟擲的異常進行處理,例如資料庫操作失敗時未進行捕獲和處理。建議新增適當的異常處理邏輯,以提高系統的健壯性。
    • 檔案中,HTTP請求處理過程中未對異常進行統一處理,建議使用全域性異常處理器來統一處理異常,並返回友好的錯誤資訊。
  1. 程式碼異味
    • 檔案中,某些方法的職責不單一,存在程式碼異味。例如,sendMessage 方法不僅傳送訊息,還進行了訊息儲存操作。建議將職責分離,使每個方法只負責單一功能。
    • 檔案中,某些方法的程式碼行數過長,建議進行重構,將部分邏輯提取到單獨的方法中,以提高程式碼的可讀性和可維護性。
Bug 檢測
  1. 邏輯錯誤
    • 檔案中,getMessageHistory 方法的邏輯存在潛在錯誤,例如未考慮時間範圍的邊界條件,可能導致查詢結果不準確。建議新增邊界條件檢查,確保邏輯的正確性。
    • 檔案中,某些請求處理邏輯未考慮併發情況下的資料一致性問題,建議使用鎖機制或事務來保證資料的一致性。


GitHub Merge Request Review

Commit: 3f7c3e2


The recent changes in focus on implementing HtmlUtils.htmlEscape for security purposes. Here’s the review based on the specified criteria.

1. Syntax and Style
  • Ensure consistent formatting throughout the file. For example, maintain uniform spacing between imports and code blocks.
  • Use Java naming conventions: method names should be camelCase, and class names should be PascalCase.
2. Performance Optimization
  • Review the use of HtmlUtils.htmlEscape to ensure it’s only called when necessary. If the input is validated beforehand, this could save processing time.
3. Security Practices
  • Excellent job adding HtmlUtils.htmlEscape to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. Ensure that all user inputs are validated and sanitized before processing.
  • Avoid hard-coding sensitive information (if applicable). Ensure that any potential secrets are masked, e.g., **** for passwords or keys.
4. Error Handling
  • Implement error handling for scenarios where the input might be null or improperly formatted. Use try-catch blocks where appropriate to handle exceptions gracefully.
  • Consider returning meaningful error responses in case of exceptions to aid debugging.
5. Code Quality
  • The code appears to be straightforward; however, ensure that methods are not overly complex. If any method exceeds 20 lines, consider refactoring into smaller, reusable methods.
  • Remove any commented-out code or unnecessary logging to enhance readability.
6. Bug Detection
  • Review any logic related to message handling to ensure that edge cases (e.g., very long messages or special characters) are handled correctly.
  • Verify that the input to htmlEscape is always a safe string to avoid unexpected behavior.
Action Items
  • Review and refactor any complex methods.
  • Implement comprehensive input validation and error handling.
  • Ensure no sensitive information is hard-coded in the repository.

If you have further questions or need clarification on any points, feel free to reach out.


GitHub Merge Request Review for Commit 3f7c3e2
Code Snippet Review

1. Syntax and Style:

  • The imports are not sorted. Consider organizing imports according to conventional standards (e.g., grouping by package).
  • Ensure proper spacing around imports for better readability.

2. Performance Optimization:

  • Evaluate the use of HtmlUtils.htmlEscape. If this method is called frequently, consider caching its results for commonly used strings to reduce overhead.

3. Security Practices:

  • Ensure that user input is sanitized properly before being processed. The use of HtmlUtils.htmlEscape is good, but additional validation on the input should be implemented to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities.
  • @assignee, check for any hard-coded secrets in the codebase. Ensure that sensitive information is not exposed.

4. Error Handling:

  • Ensure that there are try-catch blocks around areas that can throw exceptions, especially when dealing with user input or external services.
  • Provide meaningful error messages in the exceptions to facilitate debugging.

5. Code Quality:

  • Avoid unnecessary complexity by refactoring any overly complicated methods. Aim for methods to do one thing and do it well.
  • Check for redundant code, especially if similar patterns are repeated. Consider creating utility methods to handle common tasks.

6. Bug Detection:

  • Look for potential null pointer exceptions when dealing with user input. Ensure that checks are in place before accessing objects.
  • Validate the logic in any conditional statements to ensure they cover all edge cases.

Overall, the commit introduces valuable security improvements through input sanitization. However, further attention is needed in areas of error handling, code quality, and performance optimization. Implement the recommendations above to enhance the robustness and maintainability of the code.


